Jean Marc Flambert

Jun 03 2014.

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Jean Marc Flambert is the current Director of Marketing- UK and Europe for the Saint Lucia Tourist Board. One time head of the Sri Lankan Tourist Board in the UK Jean Marc is a dynamic personality who has mastered the art of professionalism to a tee. Passionate about good causes Jean Marc has completed the London Marathon and other events to raise funds for a host of charities. Here Jean Marc shares his travel experiences.

Why do you love travel?

It allows me to realize how warm and loving people are whether in Sri Lanka, Saint Lucia or Haiti.

Your favourite travel destination and why?

Has to be Haiti as it is un-explored. The caves with 2.4kms of pathways, the largest fortress in the Caribbean built when the slaves defeated Napolean’s army in 1804 and became independent, the blue water falls and the clear waters.

What do you need for a perfect holiday?

Warmth, comfortable hotel on the beach, food and my family.

In which country have you felt most at home?

Sri Lanka. Though born in Haiti and having lived 10 years there and 10 years in London – Sri Lanka is home.

Most unusual souvenir you have brought home?

A cow's horn drink flask.

Favourite holiday discovery?

The blue water at Saute Mathurine, Les Cayes, Haiti.

Worst holiday or travel experience?

Being escorted by armed guards onto a plane from Costa Rica to Mexico as they felt I needed a visa to transit Mexico but I did not. A call before take off to the Mexico Tourist Board Director sorted it out by the time the plane landed.

Best piece of travel advice?

Never go back to the same place. Too much of this amazing world to discover.

Your top five travel destinations?

Sri Lanka, Saint Lucia, Costa Rica, Croatia and Haiti.

What has travel taught you?

That we are one world, one people but we express ourselves differently.

What is the country you will never go back to and why?

Every country is unique and as long as you research before travelling, there is no worst – just one you were not prepared for.

Which country did you taste the best ever cuisine?

Has to be standing in the water waist deep with my drink floating on a frisbee next to me. A row boat comes in with fresh baby lobster for US$ 2 each. He goes on to the beach, placed it on top of a wood fire, then hands it to me. I peel it off, use the seawater for cleaning the burnt bits and for salt and eat 10 of them ! – Haiti.

Next travel destination?

Sri Lanka – December 2014. Here I come.

By Tina Edward Gunawardhana


  1. Tracy Meyer says:

    I used to teach this incredibly talented young man! It was a joy to read over his experiences -- and the photographs are stunning. My husband and I were last in Colombo 3 years back and literally ran into Jean Marc and his family at a local grocery store: It was easy to recognize him, even after all those years! Thanks so much for this fabulous article.

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