Jun 10 2014.
views 745One cannot have too many recipes for fried chicken. From ancient family recipes that have lovingly made the rounds through generations, to ones I have picked up on my travels to occasional delectable ones stolen from a friend, it’s safe to say I’ve tried them all and loved them all. No one says NO to fried chicken in our house, and thus I was once again elevated to my rightful throne of domestic goddess as I whipped up another incredible fried chicken dish. Crunchy, spicy and juicy on the inside, this fried chicken must surely be tried rather than read!
Boneless pieces of chicken cut into strips
Tablespoon of sweet paprika, garlic, coriander, cumin and chillie
Cup of all purpose flour
Cup of gram flour
Salt and pepper to taste
Take your cut pieces of chicken and pat dry with a paper towel before rubbing in the dry ingredients. Now add the paprika, garlic, coriander, cumin and chillie. Add salt and pepper to taste. Set aside. In a separate bowl mix together your all purpose flour and gram flour. Now take your marinated pieces of chicken and roll in the mixed flour until nicely coated. In a heavy based pan, fill with about 10 cm of oil. Carefully dust off all the excess flour and slowly add into the hot oil. Turn occasionally until the chicken is cooked through. Since we have used boneless chicken, it will be done soon. These fried are comforting soul food. Enjoy!
By Mayuri Jayasinghe