Hello Ellie!

Sep 17 2015.

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She's one of those canines with several names keeping up with the Sri Lankan style of naming! She is also a princess who loves her royal treatment of being fed, bathed and pampered. This Labrador besides the princess factor, does not enjoy dirt or the feeling of being dirty living up to the supreme standards of royalty! Ellie is also a proud mommy, who has given birth to little munchkins with royal blood. 
Pet's Details  
Name: Ellie, Princess Ellie Caramel the First
Breed: Labrador retriever
Age: 4 Years
Owner: Sudeeptha & Deshani 
What's the significance of the name you've given her? 
On the day we got her, when going home in the car we just kept shouting out names and the first name she responded to was "Ellie". 
What is a typical day like for Ellie? 
Princess Ellie lives up to her name. She is indeed a princess. She eats, sleeps, plays and does every other thing as if she is a princess. Ellie loves human company. So she spends most of her day following those at home and expecting them to pet her. 
What are meal times and bath times like? 
Meal Times - Sniff. Sniff. Reject Food. Expects to be fed. Eat the food an hour later when she realizes that she has no other option. 
Bath Time - Her reaction changes depending on who bathes her. Sometimes she fusses and refuses to bathe but sometimes she sits like a princess and enjoys the pampering. 
Does she do anything out of the ordinary that fascinates you? 
Although we named her princess, we never expected her to act like one. She sits/sleeps on the couch. She will NEVER sit on grass or sand! Once when we kept her out in the garden with her pups, she squatted (because sitting would mean her bum touches the ground) by the window and whined until we took her in side! 
What is her most favourite fun time activity? 
Going for walks. Say the word "walk" and she's already excited! 
What is the naughtiest thing she has done? 
The first thing that comes to my mind is - Nothing! Ellie is quite the princess now. But when she was a puppy she used to be quite naughty. She would jump and grab things on the counter tops, run away with slippers and anything else that she can find. She also used to get into the pond and chase behind the fish! This forced us to fill up the pond. She also has peed in the car! (about 4-5 times!) 
How did you find her? 
Sudi just woke up on a random Sunday and decided he wanted a dog. So we looked up for ads in the Sunday paper and visited a home. Spent an entire day playing with Ellie and her siblings and then took her home. 
How does she react when you return home after a long day? 
Ellie will run down the moment she hears our voice and get super excited over seeing us. The first thing she wants from us is a nice pat on the head. 
What's makes her the best? 
Best thing about Ellie is that no matter what, she will always be our baby and number 1 princess. 
What was the most unforgettable moment that you shared with her? 
The most unforgettable moment we shared with Ellie was when she gave birth to her beautiful babies. It was amazing to see how she knew exactly what to do and how to react when each baby arrived. She was so protective and would cry even if one of the pups crawled a foot away from her. 
By Eshani Seneviratne


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