Halloween Treats

Oct 30 2013.

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The Sugar Shack


This Halloween, call up Aru de Silva for mouthwatering cupcakes to celebrate the occasion. Using buttercream frosting and fondant to decorate the cupcake, Aru sticks to simple flavours like chocolate and vanilla for her baked goodies but should you want another flavour such as coffee or lemon, it can be done. 




Themed cakes can be done for orders too - 500gms or 1kg depending on the design requested by a customer. The minimum order for cupcakes is 10. For more information and inquiries, check out The Sugar Shack on Facebook or call Aru on 0777711718. She requires at least a day’s notice for orders.


Moreish Cupcakes


Choose from an array of cute themed cupcakes to celebrate Halloween with your children, family or friends. Melshika Weerasinghe specializes in spooky pumpkin, bat, owl, ghost and little monster cupcakes, and she also undertakes orders for cakes - 500gms or 1kg depending on how elaborate the design is.




A minimum order for cupcakes is 6 and they come wrapped in a decorative box. For more information and inquiries, check out Moreish Cupcakes on Facebook or call Melshika on 0727599932.




While Munchkin does themed cupcakes, you can also choose to feast on themed cookies ranging in designs such as pumpkins, ghosts, bloody fingers, witches and cauldrons. Dushinka, who runs Munchkin on her own, does similar designs for the cupcakes with icing, and the décor on top. Vanilla and pistachio macarons in Halloween colours of green, orange and purple are also on the list of treats.




Should you wish to have them made in a different flavour, just ask Dushinka. She takes orders on the day itself but if you wish, you can place your order a day before. For more information, check out Munchkin on Facebook or give Dushinka a call on 0777731196. The photographs used here (except for the macarons) are not from Munchkin but you can call Dushinka and ask her to make them according to your requirements. 


Sits Cakes and Desserts


You can buy beautifully decorated cupcakes from Sits on the day itself. Choose from an array of chocolate, vanilla or coffee cupcakes in designs such as pumpkins, scary faces, gravestones, eyeballs and witch hats or broomsticks.




Sita advises that you give her a quick call or text before, so she can keep some cupcakes aside since cupcakes run out fast. If you choose to make an order after Halloween, a minimum order for cupcakes is 12. call Sits on 0777730793 or 0777730794.  




By Sarah Kellapatha 


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