GSC PPA Melbourne Family Day

Jun 03 2014.

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The Good Shepherd Convent Past Pupil Association - Melbourne held its annual Family Day on Sunday 18th May 2014.

The membership of this Association now stands at approximately 140 and we are very proud to say that we had almost 250 guests attending Family Day this year. The guests were made up of members, their families, friends and well-wishers.

The day started with Mass at the Church of St Paul the Apostle in Endeavour Hills (a suburb of Melbourne) followed by a smorgasbord lunch in the Church Hall in  full Sri Lankan style, which was greatly appreciated by all our visitors. After lunch and dessert we served our very own home made Sri Lankan sweets - e.g. milk toffee, coconut rock, during which time our members and friends were kept entertained with a lucky draw and a few games of bingo amidst much laughter and fun.  The children in the meantime were treated to a lunch of McDonalds (which always goes down well with them) and they were kept amused with face painting by our young members. The day ended with afternoon tea and cakes followed by a sing-a-long.

​​We thank our wonderful Committee, our members, friends and well wishers for their support at all times. The most popular and gala event in our Calender “The Christmas Dinner Dance” is scheduled for Saturday 6 December 2014. All Shepherdians who have intentions of living in Melbourne OR are already in Melbourne are welcome to join our membership. For more details log in to


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