Mar 25 2015.
views 786It is indeed a great privilege to gain university admittance. Let me rephrase my point. It is indeed a great privilege to gain university admittance in Sri Lanka. Why? Because getting in requires so much competition, perseverance, hard work and of course brainpower. If you did get into a particular faculty - may it be Law, Arts, Science, Management or Engineering, it would be a definite reason for the world to perceive you in a whole new light. However if you were one of those lucky human beings to have gained a z- score that took you through the gates of the Faculty of Medicine, the number of your admirers would rise to such a level that you might have to open a new page online to accommodate them. Why? Because getting into Medical Faculty is as difficult as reaching the summit of Mount Everest. Hence if you have received education in a Sri Lankan university you will be recognized as an outstanding scholar anywhere in the world.
When speaking of universities, a topic that you absolutely cannot avoid is the subject of z- scores. If you are to enter a certain faculty, you are expected to gain the required z-score. Hypothetically speaking, once you finish your A/L’s in August, you would enter university at the end of the following year. If the university system is uninterrupted, the z-scores - which signify the required standards for courses and degrees, will be released in the month of May in that year. So from September to May aspirants are living in uncertainty. It is a case of will “my z- score be sufficient or will it not?” Therefore, if the cut off marks were to be announced earlier, it would allow students who have not got enough on their z-score, to apply to private or foreign colleges without further ado. However for those who do qualify to enter university - all is well and good. Nevertheless one year of waiting can even make some of the best of us restless.
Sometimes it is almost two years. This might sound outrageous but it is still the truth. For example, those who completed their A/L’s in August 2013 entered university only this year. Someone who is unfamiliar with the structure is inclined to feel that it was the work of some divine power that kept applicants from entering university for so many months. But it is not. When lecturers strike, Student’s Unions protest and politics are dragged in at a consistent basis, the whole system is kept on hold. This is truly sad because education is a basic right and when it is offered exclusively free - which in itself holds Sri Lankan universities in a unique place - students are not allowed to reap its benefits. Hence the incoming students must wait. Therefore one cannot be certain as to when exactly the academic year begins. This and the reports that revolve around ragging are perhaps two of the major drawbacks where local universities are concerned. Some of the best students, tired of the long wait, turn to foreign universities or private colleges in pursuit of education as they cannot realistically see themselves entering Sri Lankan universities and completing four years of smooth, uninterrupted learning.
All that said however, if there is some reliable proof of a proper mechanism in the university setup, it is best that students stay and give this a try. Why? Because the degrees offered by Sri Lankan universities are world class and not everyone is fortunate enough to enter. Besides, education is given freely which is not what can be said about most universities around the world. If you have deserved local university education, make it count. Having said that , if you do expect 4-6 years of smooth sailing, you might have to think again as this belief decidedly seems more fiction than fact.
I feel that the number of students who give up on local universities and join private universities increase every year. In my view the reason for this is the wait, which is too long. The mentalities of students have changed in such a way that they want to finish their degrees as soon as possible, start a job and be independent. Setting up more and more private universities that are affiliated to high ranking universities that facilitate students to finish their degrees faster is a factor that boosts students to give up on local universities. Although 3 chances are given to enter university, most students are hesitant to repeat the exam because of this wait. The number of students to join local universities would surely increase if there was no wait because the local degree is very prestigious and known to be accepted around the world.
The university system is not efficient but in SL ofcourse it doesn’t matter because nothing is efficient here. I’m excited to join because it sounds very promising, especially in terms of freedom and fun. I think it’s worth the wait to enter University because you can use that time to to get experience. For example I am utilizing this interval as a research assistant at a research institute. The wait is also worth because the degree is more prestigious since only very few get in. I am also in favour of the z-score system because it gives different weightages to different subjects. That is good since sometimes an A for one subject might not be as valuable as a lesser grade for a more difficult subject. As for those who opt to attend foreign or private universities, the case might be that the wait is too long. Especially if you have enough money to afford it, you can explore quicker options either abroad or here at private universities. But I personally think it is worth the wait.
Many question the university system of our country and due to this, it is one of the major matters that the Government should look into. However one of the main issues in this system is having to wait one year in order to start university education. But I think that having to wait is actually good because during that time period we can do something productive like start a short course in computer literacy or maybe even attend a cookery class – anything that may interest you. Who knows, these things might come in handy at university itself! The z-score is another topic that everyone seems to be questioning about. I think the z-score is important in order to keep up the standards in university since then, only the most deserving students will be chosen.
Well, I personally feel that the university system of Sri Lanka is in need of a vast reformation. A student wishing to gain admission to a local university should not only obtain excellent grades in the A/L examination but also must achieve an adequate z-score. This criteria is quite unjustifiable given the fact that Sri Lankan examinations are considered as one of the toughest and most competitive in the world. On the other hand, those who are qualified for universities have to face an unavoidable delay for at least 1 ½ years. Besides, Government Universities are very likely to suddenly shut down for days or even months, due to reasons such as strikes, boycotts and so on. Noticeably, the news-stories that the media publishes regarding the ragging and its unhealthy consequences have also dimmed the public’s opinion of local universities. There have been many instances where students with 3 A’s at the Advanced Level examination have not gained university admission due to their Z-score. And these types of scenarios are very unlikely to happen to the academically qualified students of any other foreign country. To not go any further afield, I possess two A passes and a B pass at the A/L examination but I have no prospect of going to a local university to study what I love. And it seems very unjustifiable to prevent a child from following his/her dreams just because his/her z-score is insufficient by a decimal or two to qualify for a particular field of study.
The Sri Lankan University is one of the main important sectors in our free education system. Although some students don’t show any interest and move on with private education to complete their degrees at a faster pace, many students depend only on Sri Lankan Universities to fulfill their higher education dreams. In my point of view, I don’t think a student waiting for one year is a waste of time as they can use that time to engage in extracurricular activities which is much needed to succeed their university career. The z-score is not fair by everyone but it chooses the most deserving person. Thus the Sri Lankan university system has both advantages and disadvantages.
By Vajini. H. Gunaratne
Raza says:
Sep 01, 2015 at 12:00 amIt's written in the article that a degree holder from Sri lankan Universities are recognized as an outstanding scholar all over the world. Does the writer know what does it take to be an outstanding scholar? Can the writer tell atleast one research which is performed at a Sri Lankan university and categorized as world leading? Is atleast one Sri Lanan university ranked among the world top 100 unis? As an engineering student from a world top 100 uni,I know the labs,workshops and other facilities