Mar 17 2014.
views 994This was not my first visit to Galle, and definitely cannot be the last. Through my camera, I tried to capture the few things that caught my attention most during my visit in early 2014, and the photographs somewhat reflect what has or has not changed according to me. The deep Sri Lankan south is very well known for the tourist industry for one main reason, the Galle Fort. Initially built by the Portuguese, conquered by the Dutch and later on by the British, the Galle Fort stands as a landmark reminding the world of the strong European empire that existed a few decades ago. My journey to Galle started from the metropolitan city of Colombo. Since the highway system was established, travelling to Galle has never been easier. If what you're looking for is a quick trip to the fort city, I suggest you take the expressway bus.
Personally I didn't know what to expect as I've not seen this amazing fort in almost 15 years. I stepped foot in Galle with an open mind to photograph anything that caught my eye. The best way to experience the fort is by walking. The experience is far more wonderful when you take time to look at the architecture and really enjoy your surroundings. If you're looking to grab something cheap to eat, my suggestion is to go to the town outside the fort. If you want your experience to be completely inside the fort you can pick between the Galle Fort Hotel, Barista and many other restaurants and coffee shops. The pictures that unfold before you are examples of my perception of Galle and I hope they'll inspire you to go and enjoy this amazing city.
By Yohan Perera (Yohan currently lives abroad pursuing his degree at Full Sail University, USA. His hometown is Colombo.)