May 07 2012.
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We step away from our homebound focus to feature an interview with Charted Architect Sheran Henry of Sheran Henry Associates and Project Architect Ruwanthi Nambuwasa, who discuss the design mantra behind the striking interior at the Triumph outlets.
Q: What was the thought process like when choosing interiors that reflected an intimate brand like Triumph?
Sheran- Triumph is a multinational brand and that needed to be conveyed with the chosen interior brand.
Ruwanthi – Our aim was to create and choose an interior that suits Triumph which is a high end brand. We wanted to create a very warm inviting interior and also fitted in with colour scheme.
Q: Give our readers a detail description of the intricacies involved in creating this specialized interior for the brand.
Ruwanthi – The client wanted a common interior for all their branches where they can showcase their identity and uniqueness. To make the store warm we have used timber flooring and warm white lighting. We wanted to showcase the product well, so we have used white colour panels and placed large images so that the customer gets an idea about the brand. This was keeping in mind that it was an intimacy brand.
There was a need to add colour and an attraction to the interior so we created an uncommon cash counter that stands out. We chose the cash counter because it’s a very important place and we wanted to make it a place where everybody walks in with ease. In addition the store room and the fit on rooms are situated at the back giving them more privacy. The fit on rooms have a personalized look with curtains and large mirrors.
Sheran – On the subject of the cash counter, its important to note that it is a more organic counter rather than a formal one because that is the place where ownership of the garment is established. People have to be comfortable and have to know that they are buying a warm product. And in the fit on rooms we made sure that there was a stool, a lampshade and curtaining to make the customer feel at ease, making them enjoy the experience of buying.
Q: Are they any other essential elements that were taken into consideration when designing the interior?
Ruwnathi – The interior design is very symmetrical and the panels are set up at the periphery, while islands have been set up in the middle so that customer can walk along choosing what is required. The customer is not directed and has the possibility and freedom to go from one end to the other without missing any of the products.
The main panels are highlighted with red colour and we have also placed their branding at some of the most important points. In addition as you enter we have placed a few products so that the customer has a good understanding about the product when they explore its texture and feel.
Sheran - It may seem haphazard but there is a definite science behind the interior. We have gone through the layout, and refined it to make sure that the maximum amount of display is put in there, but still doesn’t look too crowed. The products have to be discreetly put so that the customer sees a wide variety of products but doesn’t feel like it’s crowded like many other fabric stores.
Q: Is it difficult to conceptualize an interior when there is a definite colour scheme that one has to adhere to?
Sheran -We can’t bring in any other colour because this is an international brand. It has a definite colour scheme. There has to be a red and white, and that has to be the majority colour if not the total colour. Within that framework we device and perfect as much as possible the experience the person goes through.
Q: Does it add to the pressure, considering that the client is a lingerie brand.
Sheran- Any product, whether its lingerie or mobile phones, you need to show it off. Firstly, you need to make people at ease and excite them enough so that they buy the product. That is our aim for any type of retail.
Q: Finally, tell us a little a bit about your company and the kind of work you undertake?
Sheran - We undertake a wide variety projects, mainly corporate but there are projects like creating villages, personalized housing, converting dilapidated estate bungalows into boutique hotels and office interiors that embodies our whole spectrum of work. Our work patterns are very causal to say the least but we work hard. We believe that to be creative you need to be comfortable.
To checkout more about Sheran Henry Associates and their repertoire of work do log on to or visit them at 25/ 3, Lauries Road, Colombo 4
Interviewed by Shabnam Farook