Jun 26 2012.
views 749
Update a plain mirror with seashells to add some coastal charm to your home by updating a plain mirror with seashells.
What you’ll need:
A framed mirror (round, square or rectangle),
Hot glue gun
Stiff paintbrush
Straight razor
A paper towel
Use a variety of seashells in several sizes to make sure you can cover the entire frame. If you’ve collected your shells from the beach, make sure they’ve been rinsed and dried.
Then, working from the inside of the frame, start gluing your shells. You can either place them at random or glue them in a pattern.
Continue to apply glue in small sections, adding your small- to medium-sized shells. Apply larger shells last as more visible embellishments.
Use a stiff paintbrush to sweep away any excess glue strings. Then, use a straight razor to remove any glue from the mirror itself.