Jun 01 2015.
views 55110 DIY Style Projects for Your Home
Unless you have nomadic tendencies and move around quite often, it can get a little tiring coming home (or waking up) to the same décor every day. It’s nice to add a few touches here and there to spruce up your little patch of heaven and here’s how you can!
Paint Your Kitchen Cabinet Doors
Instead of painting your kitchen a new colour (which leads to the painting of the rest of the house) just paint your kitchen cabinets! If you can, remove the doors and paint them outside or just put down some newspaper (or old shower curtains), apply masking tape to the hinges and paint them indoors! Hint: light colours such as white can make a small space seem larger.
Frame Your Light Switch Covers
Ever notice what an eyesore your light switches can be? Well, no more! Take cheap photograph frames (that you can paint and style as you wish) and place them around the light switch covers, framing them. This can be done for fan controls as well!
Add Some Flair To Your Ceiling Fan
If you’re living in the hotter parts of Sri Lanka, ceiling fans are a staple. Unfortunately, the styles and colours of these fans are also pretty basic but with a little bit of elbow grease you can have a re-vamped fan in no time. First apply an even layer of some thinned-out Fevicol (or any other light, permanent glue) on the fan blades and then place a patterned fabric or paper on top. After it dries, your blades are ready for a whirl!
Hair Dryer And Straightener Holder
Is your hair dryer and straightener (and maybe even curler) usually strewn around messily? All you need to do to solve that problem is to pop down to your local hardware store and buy a PVC pipe joiner, paint up pretty and fix it to where you usually keep your styling tools.
Conceal Your Wires
Okay, so wires are an unsightly but necessary evil. But now there’s a way to tidy things up! Pick a nice, fancy cardboard box that you like, cut out the back (or the sides) of the box for the wires to go through, and place your extension cord inside! Caution: certain outlets tend to heat up so do not leave the box closed for long periods of time.
Wallpaper Your Fridge
We usually hang onto our fridges for years and years and while we appreciate the important job they do (safeguard our delicious food), it’s nice to see some change. So get some removable wallpaper and paste it on your fridge doors to create a trendy look.
Retro To-Do Chalkboards
It’s back to school with this DIY. Buy a small chalkboard available at most stationary or toy stores and frame it and hang it up where your family usually gathers. Keep chalk on hand and each person can write down their own note.
Sit By Candlelight
Remove the labels off empty glass jam jars and fill it 3/4ths of the way with beach sand. Secure a wide candle in the sand and place them around the living room to create a laidback ambience.
Starry, Starry Night
On a dark blue or black canvas (available at stationary or art supply stores) poke strategically placed holes. Then, hang some Christmas / fairy lights on a wall and fix the canvas over the lights to create a beautiful night sky.
Wall Art
It’s okay if you’re not the most artsy person – there’s a way you can fake it! All you need is a canvas, a branch with leaves, and spray paint. Place the branch atop the canvas and spray paint the blank canvas (it’s fine if you get paint on the branch, you won’t be using it). Discard the branch and wait for the paint to dry before hanging up your very own art!
By Rachel Gray