Cute and friendly Jappy

Nov 06 2014.

views 656

Pet's details:

Name: Jappy (3 years)
Breed: Rottweiler

Owner: Anushika Pieris

What was the thinking behind naming your pet?

We were looking for an uncommon name for our puppy and the name “Jappy” randomly came into my husband’s mind. We decided to stick with that.

Take us through your daily routine with him.

He usually wakes up at around 6am and hangs out in the garden watching the birds till around 7.30am and then he has his breakfast of milk and dog food. He usually has a bath every five days and that is usually at around 10am. He has his lunch around 1.30pm. He usually has a nap after lunch till about 4pm. Then around 5pm he goes out for a walk with my husband or my brother. He has his dinner at 7pm and hangs out with us till we sleep.

What is Jappy’s favourite snack?

He’s very fond of doggy sticks.

Does he have a favourite place to sleep and hang out?

There’s no particularly favourite place for him. He hangs around wherever I am.

Does he like to dress up and take selfies?

Yes and occasionally he poses too!

Have you always been a pet lover?

My family and I have always been pet lovers be it dogs or cats.

Who was your first pet?

A Doberman dog named Muffie.

What is having a pet like?

It’s always delightful to have Jappy. He’s fun and a one of a kind dog. We’re all very concerned for him. My husband greatly misses Jappy every time he’s out of the country, and so do I. Whenever my husband and I are out of the country we phone our brother and ask about him and whether he’s being tended to properly.

What is bath time like for Jappy?

He’s very enthusiastic when it comes to his bath time. I just have to ask if he’s ready for a bath and he gets very excited and runs to the garden to get a wash.

How does Jappy react when you head out and when you return home?

Whenever we head out, he watches us through the gate and when we’re gone he gets very bored and usually spends his time sleeping. He gets very excited when we return home, especially after a long trip. He comes running to greet us and wants to lick our faces.

Could you imagine life without him?

I’d rather not think about it.

What is the most precious moment you share with him?  

Jappy used to climb on to my lap when he was a puppy. Now he’s all grown up and a such a big dog but he still gets on to my lap and doesn’t get down until I pet him. It’s really adorable.

By Natasha Fernandopulle


  1. Roshni says:

    So cute Anushika... jappy surely is a delight

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