Creamy Potato Gratin

Nov 28 2013.

views 1050

Potatoes happen to be a favorite vegetable of mine. You can cook it so many different ways. Mashed, fried, baked… it’s versatile.

This recipe (found on is pretty fabulous. Besides the convenient culinary process, the dish itself is hearty, creamy and absolutely delicious.

Every bite just melts in your mouth.







250g of Potatoes

½ cup of Fresh Cream

½ - ¾ cups of Fresh Milk

2 Tbs of Butter
1 clove of Garlic 1 tsp of Chilli Powder
Salt Pepper





Pre heat the Oven to 240°C.

Use some of the butter to grease a baking pan.

Wash, peel and slice the potatoes not too thin nor too thick (1 cm)

Mince the garlic clove.

In a heavy based pan add the milk, garlic, potatoes and boil on a medium high flame.

Stir in the cream, add the chilli powder, salt and pepper and boil until potatoes have cooked.

Then pour the ingredients in to the greased baking pan and dot the potato mixture with the remaining butter.

Put it in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.



Disasters, Warnings and Tips


I like my potatoes over-baked so I left for an additional ten minutes.

Add salt and pepper according to taste. Potatoes need a lot of Salt.

Don’t let the potatoes mush while on the flame.

Before boiling ensure the milk sufficiently covers the potatoes.

Have this with some southern style fried chicken (

I’m unashamedly a carbs girl ( I love bread, rice and potato) explains my waistline.

This is an ideal recipe when cooking for one.

Soak the baking pan overnight in dishwashing powder and liquid.



By Shazzana Hamid


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