Colombo District Scout Hobby Fair

Apr 24 2014.

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The Colombo District Branch of the Sri Lanka Scouts Association is celebrating 100 years this year. The 1st scout troop was established by Mr F G Stevenson in 2014 just two years after establishing the movement in Sri Lanka. Many a citizens of Colombo has been part of the great movement. Today the Colombo District Branch has nearly 5000 active members from Cubs Scouts to Rovers ably guided by a team of dedicated volunteer leaders lead by the District Commissioner Mr Riza Azoor.

This centenary year the Executive Committee along with the uniformed leaders and members have outlined an active calendar to celebrate and commemorate this land mark. The calibrations started with religious ceremonies keeping in line with the scout promise of duty to religion and will continue throughout the year with special service projects to society and skill development activities for the scouts and an International Jamboree in August.

One of the scheduled programs is the “Colombo District Scout Hobby Faire and Scout Exhibition” which is scheduled to be held on the 27th of April 2014. At APE GAMA handicraft centre at Baththaramulla. This will co-inside with the 8th APR Scout Leaders Summit.
According to the organisers the 75th Colombo District Rover Crew the objectives of the events are as follows
a. Encourage scouts to take up hobby.
b. Display the scouts and scouter's collections.
c. Provide an opportunity for cubs and scouts to meet the leaders from the Asia Pacific region
d. Create a window for the public to see the activities carried out by the Sri Lanka Scouts Association.

There will be several exhibits and activities including special and rear display of scout badges, stamps, coins and other scout memorabilia. Most of the exhibits are from scout both young and old and several from organisations that have had an association with scout such as Amateur Radio Enthusiasts will be on display. Other exhibits will include model railway, key tags, caps, and workshops in stamp collecting and photography.

For More information
Colombo District Branch Media Unit
Dharshana Ranatunga 0773541395
Huzaifa Farook 0773068463


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