Chocolate Sweetheart Parfait

Feb 12 2013.

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When you have been married for SO long and have a house full of kids, Valentine’s Day tends to be just another day filled with family activities and household chores. Instead of going out for a Valentine dinner, you’d rather use that ‘time away from kids’ by doing something productive like catching up on some much needed sleep.
But ‘love’ is not all lost, whether you have been married for ten years or one, make your loved one my easy to make Chocolate Sweetheart Parfait this Valentines and rekindle those dying embers of love. This delicious sweet treat is sure to jolt start your relationship and take you back to those earlier ‘child free’ days where you were the center of each other’s universe.
So cue the violins, let cupids shoot his arrows, make my Chocolate Sweetheart Parfait and enjoy the perfect evening! 
What you need:
½ teaspoon cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons honey
1½ cups Greek yogurt
2 cups fresh strawberries
¼ cup shaved dark chocolate or chocolate chips
What to do:
In medium bowl, whisk together cocoa powder and vanilla.
Add honey and yogurt and stir until they're well combined with cocoa mixture. It will turn light brown.
Spoon 2 tablespoons of yogurt mixture into the bottom of clear tall glass. It is important that it is a clear glass so you can enjoy the beauty of the dessert as well.
Top with some strawberries and repeat until all of the yogurt and strawberries are used up.
Sprinkle each parfait with chocolate shavings.
Serve or refrigerate until ready to serve.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe 


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