Oct 24 2013.
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This month has mostly been about the puddings. Puddings are the easiest form of dessert one can attempt to create, especially when they are rookies in the culinary ring.
Although the title of this bread pudding recipe seems a little daunting, do not be fooled and hesitate to make it. It is absolutely fabulous. Never having appreciated the food before this recipe has converted me in to a Bread Pudding fan.
The original recipe however which after hours of comparative research I found on www.craftsy.com/blog indicates it only to be glazed. The Chocolate Chip addition is my personal touch to an already perfect dessert.
4 Slices of Bread | 2 Eggs |
2 Cups of Milk | ¼ Cup of Butter |
1/3 – ½ cup of Sugar | ¼ cup (or less) of Chocolate Chips |
1 tsp of Cinnamon Powder | 2 tsp of Vanilla Essence |
1 ½ Cup of Milk | 1/3 (or less) Cup of Sugar |
¼ Cup of CornFlour | 2 Tsp of Vanilla Essence |
Pinch of Salt |
Preheat the oven to 175 celsius.
Slice your bread in to small squares.
In a large bowl lightly beat the two eggs.
On a low heat combine the milk and butter in a medium size saucepan.
Melt the butter in the milk but do not let the milk boil.
After the butter has completely dissolved in to the milk, pour in ½ cup of the milk mixture in to the beaten egg mixture, whisking constantly.
Add the rest of the milk mixture in to the bowl and keep whisking until it has fully combined.
Stir in the vanilla and cinnamon in to the mixture.
Place the cut up bread pieces in to the bowl and stir gently to coat.
Pour the mixture in to a cake tin or medium size baking pan.
Insert Chocolate chips in to the pudding mixture.
Bake for 40- 45 minutes or until the top looks golden in colour.
Once baked let it cool for twenty minutes, and then pour the glaze on top of the pudding.
Let it set and then refrigerate for an hour minimum.
Whisk together sugar,cornflour and salt in a saucepan.
Place the pan on a medium low heat, pour in the milk and stir constantly with a whisk.
Once the mixture starts to thicken, take it off the heat.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Get the right sized baking dish for this or the entire pudding will be a disaster.
Chocolate chips are optional.
You can opt out of the glaze but I insist you try with the glaze first and take the decision for your next bread pudding venture.
To get chocolate chips, bash a few pieces of cold cooking chocolate.
When you pour the pudding mixture in to the baking dish, ensure the liquid covers the bread squares well (A tip from my friend Sashini).
If you’re making the pudding minus the chocolate chips and glaze stick to ½ cup of sugar.
Add extra cornflour to the glaze mixture if it isn’t thickening.
While pouring the milk mixture in to the beaten eggs, do ensure you do it while your continuously whisking the eggs or it will be scramble the eggs.
A few rhythmic movements took place to a few Beyonce numbers.
If the bottom of the glaze mixture is sticking to the bottom of the pan, take it off the heat and whisk it (with an electric mixer) for a few minutes.
I went a little crazy with the vanilla and added half tsp extra each time it was required.
Beyonce is awesome. I love her.
Day old bread is recommended for the pudding rather than fresh bread (Sashini says fresh bread works as well).
I decreased on the recommended dose of sugar because I was adding chocolate chips and the glaze.
There is something about the scent of vanilla, it crazy intoxicating.
Add a ¼ tsp of salt to the pudding mixture if you like.
By Shazzana Hamid
lalanthi says:
Aug 21, 2014 at 12:00 amThis pudding should be steamed. Try it. It tastes superb.
Shazz says:
Dec 16, 2014 at 12:00 amI will! Thanks for the tip Lalanthi :)