Chocolate Biscuit Pudding

May 05 2014.

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The Startup Cook : Chocolate Biscuit Pudding

Prior to the evolution of culinary decadence in this country, the most famous and significant dessert was the Chocolate Biscuit Pudding. Mothers were identified for their signature version of the Chocolate Biscuit Pudding, every dinner party had the “surprise” dessert of the Chocolate Biscuit Pudding and some friendships have ended over the Chocolate Biscuit Pudding (That one! Won’t give recipe no! Told her to take it to the grave and go!).

Sadly, today its importance has gotten lost in this intoxicating wave of culinary ventures. But whenever I need to reminisce my care free youth, I always make the iconic Chocolate Biscuit Pudding.

(This recipe is from Padhus Kitchen)


24 Gold Marie biscuits (1 packet)
30-40g of cooking chocolate (dark)
1 cup of icing sugar
7 tbs of butter
3 tbs of cocoa powder
1 tbs of Milk
1 ½ tsp of Vanilla essence

1 ½ tsp of instant coffee
1 cup of water (lukewarm water)


Line a tin or deep square dish with cling film.

Place the cooking chocolate in a heat proof bowl, melt over simmering pan of water and set aside.

Sift the chocolate powder in a fine sieve.

In a heavy based bowl add the icing sugar, butter and whisk until smooth and light.

Whisk in the sifted cocoa powder.

Add the melted chocolate, vanilla and whisk.

Next, whilst whisking, pour in the milk and combine well.

Add the instant coffee in to water and stir.

Carefully dip each Marie biscuit in to the coffee mixture and place it on the lined tin (let it overlap).

Once the base of the tin has been layered, spread the chocolate on top of the layered biscuits with a spatula.

Layer another level of coffee dipped Marie biscuits.

Spread the remaining chocolate mixture generously on top of the layered biscuits.

Refrigerate for at least two hours.

Disasters, Warnings and Tips

After refrigeration take the pudding out with the cling film and cut in to pieces.

Try not to eat all the chocolate mixture before spreading on the biscuits.

Melt your cooking chocolate carefully on a low heat over a simmering pan or it will burn.

Don’t dip the biscuit entirely in to the coffee mixture. Leave a small crunchy bit.

I absolutely love this version, simple but absolutely yum.

The melted cooking chocolate is my doing, not Padhus Kitchen.

After having spread the remaining chocolate, don’t bring the cling film up and wrap it on top.

If you’re feeling a little fancy add some sprinkles or chopped cashews on top.

Am I the only one who thinks that Game of Thrones has started to lag a bit?

Instead of vanilla essence dump a tablespoon of coffee liqueur

Instead of dipping the biscuit in milk you dip in coffee.  Like this version a bit better.

Lukewarm here is almost a no heat at all kind of thing or your biscuits will dissolve in the coffee water.

I had this for breakfast. DON’T JUDGE ME!

You can substitute butter with margarine, I did.

Text by Shazzana Hamid



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