Jan 28 2014.
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One of the many delights of living in Sri Lanka is, I feel, the gastronomic delightful array of fresh seafood available at our fingertips. My husband and I love our seafood and shell fish in particular, many an idyllic Saturday afternoon is spent with friends over bowls of luscious spicy crab curry.
Jumbo prawns are regulared acquired and grilled, fried or baked to our hearts content. My children on the otherhand are no such keen indulgers in our love affair with seafood.
My son has to be convinved that his fish fingers are really made of chicken before they are consumed and my daughters will eat everything around the piece of fish rather than the said object.
So, frustratingly annoyed I searched in vain for a convincing way to encourage my children to share in our passion. Thus ecstatic was I to find this extremely easy but tantalizingly delicious receipe that would easily have any wayward fish eater converted to love its luscious delicious. Make it for your kids today!
1 - 1.5 lbs (about 600 g) large prawns
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 can or jar of tomato sauce
1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon ground pepper
a dash of dried mixed herbs
1 tablespoon butter
Clean prawns accordingly. Split prawns lengthwise from underside. Make sure you squeeze out all the excess liquid. Season prawns with salt, sugar and pepper. Mix tomato sauce and cheeses. Pour the mixture into an oven proof dish.
Sprinkle on the dried herbs. Cover and let cook for 20 minmutes, after uncover and let it cook for another 10 until the cheese has melted and the prawns are grilled.
Can be eaten with a side of rice, pasta or some tasty French fries.
By Mayuri Jayasinghe