Dec 11 2014.
views 557Celebrating the season at Commons
The holiday season is upon us! With the switching on of the Christmas lights on December 1, the season sets off to a grand start at the Commons Coffee House. It’s also the season to share with others and the annual charity project – “Share with a Child ‘will be held on December 8 at the Community Concern Center to share the joy of the season with 65 kids with as part of Harpo’s cafés and restaurants charity program.
The Commons Coffee House seasonal calendar offers the Rotti Cart for catering events along with a selection of menus for seasonal home entertainment. Start the season with a choice of Commons well known seasonal coffees from December 5 - 31 such as cognac flavoured special Christmas ginger coffee, white chocolate mocha, brandy flavoured hot chocolate and more. Turkey being a seasonal special is offered with a special menu from December 15 - 25.
Being a kids friendly café, Commons invites all kids to enter the 'Christmas Tree' drawing competition from December 17 - 22. Popular for its decadent dessert cupboard, a selection of Christmas goodies with yule log, minced pies, and apple pies are offered and not to be missed from December 18 - 25. To bring the year to a grand finale the New Years’ Eve presents an exciting 'Blast Through News Year’s Eve' menu on December 31.
Call 2694435 for more details.