Dec 08 2014.
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The Startup Cook – Caramelised French Toast
Midnight snacks are an essential part of life. Especially if you are up till wee hours working, a little energy boost is completely understandable. But at that enigmatic hour one needs an easy-peasy, yummy-in-the-tummy, a sweet-to-the-teeth kind of delicacy. This little reward for the nocturnal was found on It requires only few things from your larder and as the title insinuates it is absolutely delicious. Needing only a few minutes off your precious time, this doughy delight is guaranteed to fuel you through the night with a powerful sugar boost. Racking your brains till dawn is a little bearable, thanks to this syrupy treat.
4 slices of bread
3 eggs
2 tbs of butter
½ cup of brown sugar
½ cup of milk
1/3 cup of water
3 tsp of vanilla essence
Cut the bread slices in to triangle-like halves and set aside.
Pour the milk in to a heavy based bowl, crack the eggs in, add a pinch of salt, cinnamon & two teaspoons of vanilla and whisk briskly.
Heat up the butter in a saucepan, dip the bread slices in to the mixture, place it on the saucepan and fry on both sides.
Once the bread slices have turned brown in colour, take it off the heat and set aside.
Clean the pan of any egg residue. Place the pan on a low flame.
Pour the water in to the pan and let it boil for a few minutes.
Add the sugar to the pan and stir until it thickens up.
Once the caramel has formed, quickly add the vanilla and give a final stir.
While the caramel is warm, dip the French toast in to it and coat it well.
Serve with a dollop of whipped cream.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Bread has that naturally spongy absorbing texture, thus dip your bread in the egg mixture ONLY before you start frying it.
I had this with peanut butter. Seriously? Yes! YUM!
Caramel burns easily - Keep the flame low when you’re making it.
Vanilla subdues the natural eggy scent of eggs.
If you’re particular you can refrain from using the previous pan and use a separate pan to make the caramel.
For an awesome Doughnut French Toast do refer
I love Christmas but tis the most expensive time of the year.
The vanilla and cinnamon were my personal touch to it.
Stirring the caramel is a bit of an exercise. But well worth it!
Black coffee + Caramelised French Toast = petrol for an all-nighter.
By Shazzana Hamid