An Airhostess' Diary: Mumbai

May 29 2012.

views 945


Sky-Nanny cum Technician


It was another Indian turn around flight, it was absolutely normal to expect demanding or rather abnormally demanding customers on these flights.

After doing so many flights to our lovely neighbors, I have seasoned- Never seek politeness at the end of a request, “please” or “Thank You” simply doesn’t exist in their vocabulary, Being Sri Lankan means you are misinterpreted as another Indian who has no idea how to speak their mother tongue which is a huge crime, and expect the most angelic kids on earth who screeches their guts out, and wipes snot off the seat covers.

So I was ready, with the hope of returning home and passing out on my own clean bed.  It was fairly normal, quick flight, did a lot of multi tasking, and during the tea & coffee service, a mother travelling with two kids, asked me whether it is possible to keep an eye on them till she uses the washroom, a little bit hesitant since I am not that good with kids, yet agreed to baby sit them out of compassion.

The smallest was about 3 years old, his elder sister who was around five, decided to throw a tantrum, which was followed by the brother. In that longest 10 minutes of my life, the kids ran around the small aircraft, through the galley, slid past the meal carts, under the seats.

Luckily I managed to pull one after the other out. For my relief the mother was astonishingly glad to see them howling, yet with their seat belts fastened.

It was the last hour of the flight, I was just thankful for being an airhostess and not having to nanny for a living.  When a gentleman, who was presumably a businessman engorged in his computer, suddenly gave out a loud scream and start pressing the attendant call button furiously.

Being proactive I answered the call bell thinking, for sure this is a last minute medical case, probably I might have to administer CPR. For my surprise he yells “I NEED THE TECHNICIAN NOW! MY LAPTOP BROKE!!!”

Now being sky nanny for a while I could handle but a technician above 30,000 feet? I was never good at electronics anyway.


Love, Dany



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