The Right Turn!
Every day we fly above 30,000ft over many continents, passing many wonders of the world. Wherever the airliner flies, the airhostess’s get the opportunity to explore.
The majority thinks that outside work, the lifestyle of an airhostess is basically partying, drinking and partying, wherever they go. Well some do live up to that, but most enjoy the profession for the benefit of travelling around the world.
However it is not easy with the shorter layovers on many destinations, due to the frequency of the flights, and fighting fatigue. At the beginning as it is with many other professions, the newbies, are always excited to go out, see the world, where the good oldies, get easily tired with the phrase “Let’s go out to see!” and would rather order room service, flip through the foreign language channels, even if it is impossible to understand a single word of it.
On this flight to Canada, Toronto, I had an ambition. Many a times I have done this flight, ordered room service, but not today. Niagara Falls lies at the boarder of Canada and U.S separating the two countries with nothing but a mass of beautiful water. It was a very long flight, longer than usual. It’s always good to travel as a group when going on an adventure, and I was attempting to convince my fellow colleagues to join me; not an easy task, as many have either already gone there or can’t be bothered to leave the comfortable hotel boudoir.

During these long haul flights, relationships are made with fellow crew members.One such newbie and an oldie were already bonded though they’ve never met before. I approached them to ask about planning a trip up to Niagara. By this time I was tired; tired of getting no for an answer and partially for the effort I have been making to keep my eyes open.
However, to my great relief they already had plans for the layover, and it was to go see the beauty. We decided to rest the night well, and head out early morning.
It was a bright sunny summer day, and I was cursing myself for not packing any summer cloths. I was already getting the looks from people wearing woolies and sweating from head to toe.
We hired a car and a GPS in case we need directions (and we did). It was an “all -girl’s-road trip” to Niagara. It didn’t take long to figure out that the GPS wasn’t exactly working the way we it expected to.
So we had to go back to the old methods, asking for directions. Luckily the Canadians were all sweet hearts, they didn’t mind sparing a minute or two to show us the way. And towards the end the GPS finally started working.
We were almost there. The GPS had done well. It was prompting us to take a final turn, and we were expecting to have a glimpse of the beautiful mass of water. However, instead there was a barricade and men in uniforms. It was the U.S boarder protection patrol.
And our lovely GPS has led us almost to the boarder. It took a good half an hour convincing the officials that we were not illegal immigrants and just a bunch of adventurous airhostess’s from far far away, trying to get a glimpse of the “Canadian side” of the Niagara waterfall.
They finally understood that we made an honest mistake (However I couldn’t help noticing the suspicious looks they gave me, as I was fully donned in winter clothes).
After much drama, we made a U turn, and we were finally there. The Niagara Falls was beautiful, or rather heavenly. Spreading out vastly, covering a massive geographical area, the horse shoe fall was standing out, and together with the bridal veil it was a marvelous site.
We could feel the misty water spray, even at a distance. The water was falling down rapidly making a thunderous sound and it was spraying white…heavenly white drops of refreshing H2O to the atmosphere.
“Please turn right!” “Please turn right!” The GPS would continue to give instructions, with a fully pledged motive of sending us to heaven. Regardless we were staring, with our mouths open wide, mesmerized by the amazing creation. And it was finally time to chuck the annoying GPS out of site, and start clicking pictures.
Love, Dany