An Air hostess' Diary: Melbourne

Nov 12 2012.

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Caviar and the Pilots


The captain in command holds a great responsibility for the lives carried by the airline. He is treated with great amount of respect, and looked after by the airlines very well.

The decisions they make at a critical stage of a flight will made a huge impact on operations of the airline. So with an imperative duty of looking after the passengers, safety and comfort on board, the pilots usually get V.I.P treatment from the fellow crew onboard.

For an airhostess they could be of two kinds; A good leader in command, In charge of safety and a respectful colleague who makes their own cup of coffee; or a pain in the neck who has no clue what’s going in the cabin apart from the control panel in front of them, and constantly in the mood to dine on demand.

They layout the ground rules of what they eat, how they eat and what time they eat. However there are few rules in any airline regarding serving the cockpit. The captain in command will get the 1st choice, and they will not get the same type of meal. They will not eat any type of shell fish (Even if there is lobster in first class menu they can’t have it!), and strictly no alcohol (So NO Dom Pérignon either).

Due to a contemporary study it is noted that companies around the world lose 48%of their inventory thanks to the employees. This is due to internal theft of items, misuse of company products or services-even if you take that personal print out from the office printer. So although not exactly  classified as mugging, it is a loss to the company that escalates over the years.

For some reason captains asking for expensive caviar served for the premier customers doesn’t fall under this. Recently one of the crew was reported by a grumpy pilot for not adding parmesan cheese on his salad as requested. Though the crew explained it wasn’t available at that time, they insisted that the crew did it purposely to make his day bad and in return he was emotionally compromised.

Another newbie airhostess almost broke into tears due to a stern remark by a pilot, “you should be sent back to training; you don’t even know how to make a cup of tea!” How could HE out of all forget that crew is trained severely for months for safety and security operations, and not to put a tea bag in hot water the way he likes it!

Their wives on the other hand at least smile, even with great difficulty. And their expectation of the premium treatment as a pilot’s wife is way up above 30,000ft. If they travel on the same flight as their husband in command; they flaunt their new Louis-Vuitton Hand bags, carry their brooch of toddlers in designer wear, and talk down to the airhostess’s with great detest.

Maybe she takes the rumours’ too seriously or she knows her husband’s tastes pretty well. One such pilot’s wife who was getting off the aircraft today looked at my colleague, gifted with super model looks and a kind smile, and said “ oh look at this disgusting air craft, it’s so dirty, I feel so sorry for you, you look so pretty but have got to clean all of this now!.”

The crew smiled politely while helping her with her expensive hand bag full of diapers, “ Oh no, we are getting off for the day now, but I’m afraid the cleaning team will have a big job to do!” and exasperatedly with no luck of hurting the beauty’s ego she goes “ good for you!” and walks off the aircraft with a fixed pout on her face. 

And her child followed, with a smile on her face, waving good bye to us until she disappeared. Not all of them are rotten eggs after all.


Love, Dany







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