Jul 17 2012.
views 1073
Apart from the sterilization programs and adopting process, the ADSL Team conducts dog feeding programs to help feed the starving doggie population in as many areas as possible.
Mr Nihal De Silva, has joined forces with the ADSL team to conduct a feeding program. He has been doing this on his own for nearly 10 -15 years and now with the ADSL team backing him up, the means for the cause have grown and multiplied!
The stray population, in the areas that are mentioned below and fed by the Team is now nearing 125. The 125 dogs are being fed every other day due to the lack of funds. However with the sufficient amount of funds, the Team is looking forward to the opportunity when they can feed them more often!
Locations we cover
1) Palawatha Junction
2) Akuresgoda Malabe road
3) Akuresgoda : Isuru paya
4) Malabe Maid Road
5) Malabe Temple
6) Koswatha towards Palan handiya
7) Baththaramulla Town
8) Near Baththaramulla Arpico
9) Baththaramulla Sethsiri Paya
10) Kotte army check point
If you are willing to support the cause,
The steps are as easy as 1 and 2 but the significance of it, as you probably are aware, is infinite.
Kind souls willing to help a starving soul can..
1) Donate food (We prefer this so you know doggies are receiving it. You are welcome to accompany Mr De Silva in feeding them. As a bonus feature you will get the feeling of moral satisfaction that comes from seeing the doggies happily munching away and the doggies are sure to show their appreciation too!)
2) Donate money; Rs 3200/= per day for the food (We insist on sending you the bills)
Donors are welcome to contact Oshadie Korale or Janith Lakmal for account details and inform them of particulars such as what you can donate for example food or money, Send us your full name, home address (to send you bills), mobile number, amount deposited or food provided. The team upholds strict forms of transparency and accountability and maintains accounts that anyone can see online.
What we need per day to feed 100 -125 dogs
1) Pet food 26 packets of Maxi food (They don't eat pedigree so we need to cook it with rice, and Maxi pet food is the cheapest we found so far)
2) Salmon tins (large tin) : 10 tins plus 20 Kg of Rice
If sending food is not easy then you could donate Rs 3200/= (includes the diesel cost as well) to feed them every day.
Other than the cost per food every day, it costs Mr. De Silva around Rs 400.00 on diesel so you can help for the day as well. It takes 1 big Gas cylinder for one month so you can help us with that as well, if you wish.
Feel free to contact us for more info
Please call Dilukshi on 0716912194 for more information on funding. (Please let us know how much you’re donating and for which day, along with the details we requested we would to know, if you donate food as well.)
OR inbox @Oshadie Korale on face book. https://www.facebook.com/oshadie.korale
OR email us at [email protected] for more information.
Visit the page where the magic began on https://www.facebook.com/adoptadoginsrilanka
Dilinie Devanarayana says:
Jul 27, 2012 at 01:00 pmIt's a really good thing to treat animals n as a dog lover, i really appreciate it.