Vacation Diaries Awandi Kohilawatta

Oct 01 2015.

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Vacation Diaries - As seen through the eyes of Awandi Kohilawatta; a Sri Lankan wanderer in the USA. 
New York City! First timers obviously wonder whether all the movies out there depict NYC right. Starting from the New York burgers in ‘Pink Panther’, all the way to the lifestyle of the Upper East Siders in ‘Gossip Girl’, one’s expectations of the whole experience are indeed sky high. Pardon the ‘Chicago’ phrase but is NYC really ‘all that jazz’? It most certainly was for me! The first item on my lifelong bucket list was Broadway. For those of you out there who are hesitant to pay an astonishing $200 fee for a ticket, don’t worry, it ‘is’ value for your hard-earned money. I watched my favorite childhood story come to life, with performers who delivered their roles with such finesse and the quintessential orchestra that possesses the elegance and musical delight that most lack. Witnessing the level of dexterity that evening was priceless. Roald Dahl’s book, Matilda was superb. The movie was splendid, but the Broadway show was truly extraordinary. 
The only thing that added to the highlight of my vacation was hitting Time Square on the way. For those of you who like old Hollywood movies, (An Affair to Remember is one of my favorites) surely a visit to the Empire State Building is mandatory. The view from the top is just what one would expect it to be. I suppose the term ‘concrete jungle’ is just about right. Out of all the things I appreciate in the world, Architecture isn’t one of them, but this wasn’t so bad. 
Next on my list, Coney Island! My time in NYC would literally be incomplete if it weren’t for the rides there. I’m sure everybody has watched that scene in Tom & Jerry, where Tom’s heart just ejects out of his chest beneath his skin. Yup! You’re most likely to experience that in Coney Island Cyclone. There were several great places to dine, with rooftop tables, whiskey gardens and all other sorts of things most of us haven’t heard before. You can actually taste Katz’s pastrami while they make your pastrami sandwich. Talk about customer satisfaction! The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, the bridge, Rockefeller Center are all must visits. There’s a lot more than what I just mentioned. One more trip and I’m pretty sure I still won’t cover it. Apart from that what I enjoyed most was the diversity. Whatever you wear, whatever you do, I don’t think you could be classed as ‘different’ because there’s nothing that isn’t already there in New York. Different is Ordinary! And that’s something you don’t see every day. 
Keep in mind! 
· Most affordable yet worth experience? 
Coney Island. 
· What should you spend time on mostly? 
· Must bring home item after your visit? 
I <3 NY Tshirt for sure! That was what I always wanted to bring home from the streets of NY! 
· You know you're having fun if you are….? 
Too busy enjoying! 
By Eshani Seneviratne


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