Apr 07 2017.
views 542Sunday is Treat Yourself Day. It is only fair. You have an entire week ahead of you and before that you do need some self indulgence. I say get ready to kick Monday’s rear end with a plate of delicious Sweet Potato Chips.
This simple dish is too good to be true. I mean really. It is only a matter of slicing and chucking those chips in to a hot oven. The only concern here is the quantity - it’s only sufficient for one hungry person. If there are more mouths to feed, double up on the portion.
Because once you pop… you really can’t stop…
2 sweet potatoes
2 tbs of olive oil
Preheat oven to 180 Celsius. Prepare a baking tray and set it aside.
Wash, peel and slice the potatoes in to thick chips, and place it in a bowl.
Add a teaspoon of paprika, half a teaspoon of salt, a dash of pepper to the chips, a tablespoon of oil, stir and set it aside for a few minutes.
Place the chips on to the prepared tray. Drizzle the remaining oil over the chips and place the tray in the oven.
Bake for 30 - 40 minutes. (Rotate once in between)
Once the chips are baked, take it out of the oven.
While it’s cooling, remove each chip from the tray and place it on a dish.
Eat while it’s warm.
Disasters, Warnings and Tips
Once you go baked sweet potatoes, you won’t look back.
If you’re using baking paper like I did, it’s important to remove the chips out of it as soon as it’s baked, as it tends to stick on the paper.
This was made before I developed an ulcer.
Slicing the sweet potato is the most tedious task here.
Get your regular exercise people - being sick isn’t worth anything.
TEXT & PHOTOGRAPHS by Shazzana Hamid