The Food Ranger

Jan 09 2019.

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The Instagramming food community was all agog when they realised that celebrated food and travel enthusiast Trevor James was on home turf here in Sri Lanka. With a following of 350,000 plus Instagram followers and almost 2.5 million Youtube subscribers Trevor James is quite an influencer. With a packed schedule which included trying food, food and more food Trevor gave his only media interview to DM Life.

Trevor hauling in the nets

The affable Canadian had always harboured a desire to show the world how friendly people could be. He coupled this desire with two of his other loves, food and travel. Now Trevor and his wife Ting who is also his videographer spend more than 250 days of the year travelling the world shooting food videos and entertaining their cyber fans with stories on exotic culinary fare from around the world.

Based in China Trevor has travelled to 22 countries, most of them in the Asian region.

In Sri Lanka, for just two weeks Trevor and Ting came with open hearts and minds and a desire to sample most of Sri Lanka’s legendary cuisine especially seafood. Asking for recommendations from their followers they were swamped with suggestions which included visiting the Ministry of Crab, the street food vendors at Galle face and personal invitations to many Sri Lankan homes showing them the serendipitous nature we claim as our own!

Srilankan Vlogger, Ruzaina with Trevor

It was more than evident from our conversation that he loved the crustaceans our country has to offer particularly crabs.

“They were so juicy and succulent. Cooked in spices with fiery peppery notes, they tasted absolutely fabulous."

Did he smack his lips at this point? Yes, he did!

Trying out the crustaceans at Ministry Of Crab

Apart from the Ministry of Crab, Trevor and Ting visited Upali’s, and had a lovely experience in Negombo.

“ We visited Negombo and got some huge crabs which were cooked for us at the Old Rest House in Negombo. They cooked up the most beautiful rich dark Negombo style crab which was so flavourful with peppery notes”

This intrepid foodie also extolled the virtues of string hoppers, faluda, vadai and also hoppers. His personal favourite were jaggery hoppers. Another highlight of his visit was meeting fellow food vlogger Ruzaina Hadgie of The Minority Taste who is also currently in Sri Lanka. Their collaboration saw Ruzaina not only show him around the eateries of Colombo but also invite the duo to their home to sample a veritable feast of homemade delicacies cooked up by Ruzain’s grandma.

“Ruzaina’s grandmother cooked us a delicious Sri Lankan meal which included a brain curry and bull’s testicles. This was the first time I had eaten the bull's testicles and it was quite tasty."

Moving on from Colombo,  Trevor is heading to Galle and Kandy where he hopes to try more seafood and Sri Lankan cuisine.

Trevor with Ruzaina's grandma sampling local delights

When I asked him where he positioned Sri Lankan cuisine with the rest of what he has experienced, without hesitation he replied

“I ’d definitely put Sri Lanka in the top for cuisine. I love spice and I was totally surprised by the spice levels. The combination of spices make it shine and it is a lot stronger and pungent compared to others. It keeps your mouth alive and tastebuds on their toes. The inclusion of coconut milk is fantastic as it gives the curries a nice creamy consistency.”

What will you take back from Sri Lanka I ask him. The genial culinary traveller smiled and said

“The memories of the friendly people and the fine Sri Lankan food we have tried in this country. And if there is space in our bag some Sri Lankan tea and a cook book for sure!”


                                                                                                    Trevor with DM Life journalist Tina

Follow Trevor on his website:
His YouTube:


Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Tina Edward Gunawardhana is a journalist specialising in travel, fashion, lifestyle, cuisine and personalities. She is also the Deputy Editor for Hi!! Magazine. An intrepid traveller, she likes to show readers the world through her eyes and experiences. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - tinajourno [email protected]


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