Recipe : Chocolate Lasagna

Jun 21 2016.

views 376

Just like the savoury version, this sweet and enticingly delectable dessert will not disappoint. Yes I agree there might be a few shortcuts taken, with respect to the instant chocolate pudding and so forth, but when if in need for a decadently interesting dessert on an adhoc weekday dinner then this is your only option. The chocolate lasagna will hug you with its soft sweet flavours melding into the rich dark chocolate. One bite will definitely not suffice, it will have you circling the desert table for more, of course you might have to be quick before the children descend on it! 



- 3 1/2 cup of milk 
- 1/2 cup of vanilla 
- 2 4-oz. boxes instant chocolate pudding mix 
- 3 cup of heavy cream 
- 1/2 cup of iced coffee 
- 1/2 cup of powdered sugar 
- Chocolate syrup 
- 20 chocolate biscuits 
- 1/4 chocolate shavings 


In a large bowl, beat milk, vanilla and pudding mix on medium/high until well incorporated. Refrigerate for 20 minutes and allow to set. 

In another bowl, beat heavy cream, ice coffee, and powdered sugar together until soft peaks form. 

Assemble the lasagna: in a 12 x 9 pan, place a layer of chocolate biscuits on the bottom. Top with a layer of  chocolate pudding. Cover with a drizzle of chocolate syrup. Top with a layer of whipped cream. Repeat process two more times: crackers, pudding, syrup, whipped cream. Sprinkle the last layers with chocolate shavings. 

Refrigerate 4 hours or over. 

By Mayuri Jayasinghe


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