Jul 21 2017.
views 336You’re always courteous at the meal table. You say your please and thank you’s. You don’t leave your bags on the table. You don’t make or answer any calls. No matter how careful you are, depending on which part of the world you’re dining in, you may not even be aware that you’re committing dining etiquette faux pas. If you’re a tourist, no one’s going to want to punch you in the face for accidentally offending their ancestors, but knowing a thing or two will certainly help you make friends and earn the favour of strangers in a new country.
China - Don't flip the fish
You will be surprised to know that flipping over a whole fish is actually considered bad luck in China. Especially in southern China and Hong Kong. Apparently, "to flip the fish over is like saying that the fisherman's boat is going to capsize. The most superstitious will leave the bottom part untouched, while others will pull off the bone itself to get to the bottom.”
Japan - Don’t stick chopsticks upright in your rice
Chopsticks are meant to be placed together right in front of you, “parallel to the edge of the table”. Typically, you will be provided with a chopstick rest to use. Chopsticks are definitely NOT meant to be stuck upright in your rice, especially considering the fact that it is placed that way before the coffin during funerals!
Middle East, India & Africa - Don’t eat with your left hand
As Sri Lankans, most of us are familiar with this concept anyway since we’re generally asked to eat with the right hand. This is because in all the cultures mentioned above, the left hand is associated with unglamourous bodily functions, and thus, is considered to be dirty. Unsurprisingly, left handers are also usually encouraged to use their right hand to eat.
Georgia - Don’t sip your wine. It’s Rude
During traditional Georgian feasts - also known as supra - wine is typically drunk only at toasts, after which you down the whole glass in one go. It’s not really a huge feat considering the glasses are on the smaller side.
Mexico - Never use utensils to eat tacos
Not that there’s a reason to in the first place. The mexicans think - and we also kind of agree - that eating tacos with a fork and a knife looks silly, not to mention snobby. Would you eat a burger with silverware? Probably not. So just use your hands to heat tacos too!
Italy - Only drink a cappuccino before noon.
Us Sri Lankans love our coffee. And we have it at any time of the day. Especially in the afternoon, when we’re hanging out in one of the many coffee shops around the city. Not the best idea if you’re in Italy though. Many Italians believe that having cappuccino late in the day upsets your stomach. This is probably why you will never see an Italian ordering a cappuccino after 3 pm.
France - Don't eat your bread as an appetiser before the meal
Bread is eaten as an accompaniment to your food. Especially when there’s a cheese course at the end of the meal. But while it will be unacceptable in almost any part of the world, placing the bread directly on the table is perfectly acceptable in France.
Italy - Don't ask for parmesan for your pizza, unless explicitly offered
There’s a specific cheese used for pasta dishes, and parmesan ain't it. Which is why putting parmigiano on pizza is looked upon as a food blasphemy, pretty much. So if parmesan is not offered, don’t ask for it.
By Rihaab Mowlana