Jul 03 2019.

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Cinnabrown isn’t exactly a restaurant; it’s a home baker that has a passion for doing some lovely, delicious, interesting to look at Cinnabons. I actually found them on Instagram, their feed will make anyone get hungry. 
The Food 
Rating ***
First off the presentation is beautiful, it’s colourful and amusing to look at. It’s extremely ‘Instagram-able’. Apart from its taste it’s for this reason that their popularity is growing. To start, I had the Classic with Cream Cheese Frosting (Rs.400). This was actually a pretty good cinnabon for Sri Lanka. I would have preferred a little more Cinnamon. The Dough was moist, the cream cheese frosting added great flavour to the overall Cinnabon.
The Nutella (Rs.620), I simply enjoyed this one! This was the best one, provided you like Nutella. It was loaded with oozy, gooey Nutella.
The next was the Double Chocolate Chip (Rs.590), this was also quite moist, filled with thick and rich chocolate and the bon itself was soft. However there was barely any Cinnamon.
Red Velvet (Rs.620), I had big expectations for this one which were sadly not met, the dough was crumbly and didn’t have the soft, fluffy texture. The Red Velvet Flavour didn’t quite come out as much.
Overall they were tasty and I think it’s a fun concept. However judging based on a Cinnabon itself, they aren’t the best. However I believe they can and hopefully do improve and when they do we will be here waiting.
I Definitely Recommend the Nutella one, it’s a must try!


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