Jul 23 2012.
views 5594
The most frank person you’re ever likely to meet and also the most comfortable with the title “metro sexual” that has been bestowed upon him. When Sunesh Rodrigo is not busy as head of News at TNL Radio Network, he can often be found surround by beautiful women.
What according to you is fashion?
Fashion is making your own statement in your own style.
What kind of clothes are you usually found in?
I’m a person who is usually dressed for the occasion. But mostly I’m found in official attire.
What item of clothing wouldn't you be caught dead in and why?
Wearing a brown belt and black shoes! Look your shoes should match your belt.
A night out with your friends, what would you wear?
Jeans and Shirt definitely! Black, Red or a White shirt if you want particulars...
Make up? Perfume? ( There are guys who wear eyeliner and nail polish!)
Perfume! Definitely Yes! I have a few favourites Bvlgari and Autograph by Marks & Spencer. Uh... I don’t wear make up...
On a scale of 1 – 10 how fashion conscious are you? 10 ½?
Ha ha ha....yeah!
What in your opinion is the ideal and essential item of clothing for guys?
Definitely a well fitted pair of jeans. Right length. Not too tight but not too loose. A well cut pair of jeans.
Does a person’s attire really reflect who they are?
Yes! You can kind of figure out that person’s personality by what he or she wears.
Sooo... the controversy about men who wear pink?
I’m a strong advocate of the colour pink on men. But not every man can pull it off. It depends on complexion and shade.
How important is hair care to you?
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for guys. Strong NO for any greasy product. I’m an advocate for shampoo and conditioner.
Any particular product or accessory you can’t do without?
Deodorant! I’m really conscious about odours....
What do you think about the fashion in Colombo?
It’s improving. The guys are more aware of what they are wearing...
Any fashion advice in general?
Well to the girls: don’t try to imitate your friend or anyone. It’s a huge turn off. And guys, please do not wear your socks to match your shirt! It’s of paramount importance to match your socks to your pants.
Interviewed by Shazzana Hamid
Shabran Hameed says:
Oct 22, 2012 at 01:11 pmi been around with Sunesh for a couple of months..i generally being an observer have observed Sunesh personally as well..he looks trendy and descent in whatever he wear. most of the time (90%) he could be seen in black jeans..most of all i like his shoes ;)
mohammed says:
Apr 25, 2014 at 12:00 amWell talking from a fashion point of view while owning more than 22 fashion retail outlets in Sri Lankan, checked and multi colored stripe socks are in and you can wear em and it is in fashion. But you need to be conscious on the colour tone. Doesn't necceraly mean that you need to pull it off well to catch a woman's eye but certainly fashion is your own statement