
Feb 19 2013.

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Rozanne Diasz 
Personality profile 
· Name  - Rozanne Diasz
· Nickname - Rozy Girl 
· Education - Still learning
· Siblings - one rose amidst two thorns [brothers] 
· Life’s biggest achievement - Motherhood
· Life’s motto - If you think you can YOU CAN!
· Eye colour - black
· Dislikes - Hypocrites and slimy creatures
· Likes - Children
Every Sri Lankan knows this beautiful lady. She is Rozanne Diasz. After enjoying a glamorous era as Miss Sri Lanka and representing Sri Lanka in the Miss Universe pageant back in 2005, she's now a corporate lady running her own fashion magazine, bridal wear store and a Modelling and Personality Development School. Apart from her busy work life, she is a loving mother and wife. 
Life Online met up with her for a quick chat.
Rozanne, without a question, you are one of the most popular fashion icons in Sri Lanka. People like you are also a main target of gossip, how do you cope?
I like it... let people talk.. it’s because they find my life more interesting than theirs.. so no harm done... everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. 
Will we see another Mrs. World from Sri Lanka courtesy you? 
At the moment I am not ready for it.. Most of my friends are insisting that I should think about it seriously. I guess in a couple of years when my son starts schooling I will get back into the competitive groove.. At the moment I am just happy being a mom.
You have so many areas to concentrate on in your professional career such as school, your magazine etc. What’s your secret?
I take things very lightly. Concentrate on what I have to do at the moment and not stress too much.  
We haven’t produced a Miss World or Miss Universe yet, what are the loopholes you see and what is your action plan? 
The main thing we lack is attitude. Most of it can be fixed but attitude is something that the individual has to possess; to think that she is capable of wearing that crown firmly on her head. Also the attitude of everyone around her matters. 
As a professional in the fashion industry over a decade, how do you describe the evolution of fashion in Sri Lanka in the last 20 years?
Well, people like the idea of being fashionable and they sweat extra to go by trends. I think with the mentality of people changing we will walk to a very fashionable future very soon. 
Text by Jayantha Fernando


  1. Gamarala says:

    Rozanne Diasz no doubt is a very attractive lady. But I noticed that they state her eye colour as being "Black" which is a misnomer. No human being in the world has 'black eyes'. Its a deep brown

  2. chami says:

    She is a decent hard working girl who has always been respected as a Model. We should wish her well. Character is so important being a model and she has always been of very good character

  3. malkanthi says:

    Rozanne has put on a lot of weight from recent past though the above are some old pictures. She must take a lot of care to maintain her figure.

  4. shehana says:

    Rozanne Is a true mom now. so its oki to put on a bit. I am sure she will bouce back soon >

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