New range of Raspberry at Cotton & Leather Collection

Aug 22 2012.

views 2658

Raspberry a brand established under Cotton and Leather Collection caters to young ladies who are looking to add a bit of flair to their wardrobe. It’s fun, energetic, vibrant and it’s about to inspire this generation who are ever ready to make a statement.
In a climate where individuality is glorified and the fashion rulebook has been cast aside, Raspberry offers a chance to be creative and speak to one’s own inner fashionista. From bags to clutches, juicy fruit scented belts to accessories in delicious hues; Raspberry is all about creative expression. 
Raspberry is simply a fun and highly affordable accessories brand. Sporting bright colours and the essential tones with bags, belts, necklaces and much much more. Housed exclusively at Leather Collection & the Cotton Collection flagship store, Raspberry adds a burst of flavour to the Colombo shopping experience. 


  1. adsadsaddfd says:

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  2. Agathha says:

    I would like to pay a visit to go through such a fabulous range of handbags.

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