
Jul 09 2013.

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“I came to this by grace, I’m not professing to be a guru.” - Kirby




Kirby de Lanerolle has been making waves in the news recently. With reports of him 'not eating for years’ and ‘becoming immortal’ all over the web, it’s hard to separate what’s real and what’s not from the controversy; Daily Mirror Life got in touch with the man making all the headlines to find out his side of the story.

He was quick to clarify facts; he does practise Breatharianism, a movement in which believers claim they can live without food or liquids, but instead consume only prana and sunlight, and has fasted for several months over the last 5 years. However, he denies reports stating he’s fasted indefinitely for 5 years, citing this as media exaggeration.

Kirby advocates this unusual practise as a way to cleanse the body and mind of unwanted desires, stating that since he began fasting he’s healthier than ever and now hopes to share this new found understanding with others through several workshops.



His journey into this lifestyle stemmed from an urge to turn his life around after years of drug abuse and to live a more spiritual life. “The scriptures talk about curbing the lust of flesh, which means removing all desires, including food, so I fasted. No one was there to tell me how to do it so I continued to abstain from food for 3 months,” he said, adding that he does not recommend this method of fasting to anyone else.

During this time, Kirby had spiritual experiences and believes he felt ‘god’s vibrations’ through meditation, this he says has provided him with all the necessary energy he needs. While there are reports of people around the world having a similar experience, what makes Kirby’s unique, is his claim that he can pass on this energy to others. It’s this statement that garnered the attention of the National Geographic Channel who decided to feature him on their show ‘Taboo’.

On the show, he talks about the benefits of the Breatharian lifestyle and meditates with several willing participants. “By passing my energy through meditation, I affluence others to stop eating; it takes 5 days to transfer the energy. I was able to help a few members of the Nat Geo crew as well,” he explained.

Kirby cites stress and over consumption as two areas that are worked on through the practice, “Over consumption is the main cause of health issues such as heart diseases, diabetes and cholesterol problems. We eat more than necessary when we become stressed or tired because our bodies need fuel to cope with it. By meditating and fasting, you eliminate this because your body doesn’t tire the way it did before. What I’m trying to prove is that one can live healthy on far less food than one thinks and that there are other food (energy) sources out there! It’s not about being thin; it’s about being healthy.”



Queried about his dietary habits, Kirby said he usually has a cup of tea in the morning and a fruit juice some time during the day, along with daily ‘communion’. While he continues to fast from food, he does occasionally give into a craving for some sweets or meat but says this doesn’t happen often. 

“I’m happy to say I’ve helped many people overcome health issues since I started, including my own father-in-law. I think this is a great way to open people’s eyes to alternative ways of thinking,” He added.



In response to claims of participants converting religion during the programme, Kirby says the practice has nothing to do with religion and is merely a spiritual experience. He does not request anyone to convert during the programme and doesn’t charge for workshops either.



Aside from his workshops, he does lead a very active life as Executive Advisor to the Ministry of Social Services in Sri Lanka and as Co-founder of the Warehouse Project. He also completed the Colombo marathon having consumed only  water and ‘communion’ for three months.

Kirby’s story has been viewed with plenty of scepticism, with many denouncing him as a fraud and a danger to society for promoting a lifestyle which has been linked to several deaths worldwide.

Whether you believe his story or not, the one thing we can learn from Kirby is the importance of considering what we eat.





By Lake Argent

Pix by Nisal Baduge 


  1. Raju says:

    This guy was a conartist from his days at st thomas. He was always moving from one scheme to another and even had to flee the country All this voodoo is to gain money from ngo's and other organizations who engage these types of scams.

    Every breatharian tested in a laboratory setting has found to be a fraud. People take him at his word rather than testing to discover the truth. He's currently having people post to defend him claiming they have been saved. Yeah right.

    Put h

  2. Gemba says:

    Here comes another guru with some far fetched idea. Some may even benefit in the short run, but most would not. These are fads that come up now and then all over the world, like special diets that help to reduce weight , finding ones inner energy etc. There are lost souls in the world who would jump on any band wagon to find inner peace. Everyone thought that Indian Charlatan Sai Baba would die at 105 years of age, but he succumbed too at 85,s he was not that great if he could not predict his ow

  3. Monica De Lanerolle says:

    I lost 7 kg with this program. Suffered from Catarrh I had from my childhood. Migraine headaches was the story of my life, wake up with a headache and get to bed with it too.
    Thank you K, the last sneeze was when I startled the program and I'm migraine free.It's 2 months, my health is the best, never been better.

  4. Sd says:

    There is increased awareness that stress and our unhealthy diets are the main cause of sickness today, a look within ourselves and the way we live will determine the life we live our successes and the ability to healthy life.. Thanks for sharing this article ...

  5. Hoona says:

    mae......":I’ve seen him lay hands and cure cancers......." What planet are you from to make such a bold statement? This type of foolish comment would encourage gullible people to forgo medical advise and resort to charlatans to cure their illnesses.

  6. P*k*y* says:

    DM should be ashamed to be promoting extreme and harmful behaviour!! next interview with a drug addict?????????

  7. Mwije says:

    Thank you DM for this unbiased report. Anyone reading it can see that Kirby is talking of health and life! He has helped many people to reduce on their excess eating in order. He is not promoting " breatharianism" - one mans personal walk is his business entirely. To each his own.

  8. mae says:

    Kirby has transformed many lives. I know him personally and he has helped me overcome so many private battles in my life. Last May I took part in the 7 day programme and i feel like a brand new creation.I’m so grateful for his life and for the revelation he has brought to my friends and I. I’ve seen young people who had abusive lives carried to perfect healing by him. I’ve seen him lay hands and cure cancers. Kirby always operates in great love and has shown many of us a second chance at life. H

  9. Shey says:

    Everything he does is in the bible, he lives by the word of god, YES I have seen him changing many people’s lives, he has nothing to take from us but to give everything he has, whoever knows this man know who he is, Is National geographic channel crazy to interview him and publish it on their website if this is a lie?

  10. Anush says:

    Seriously??? Cure cancer?? If that's the case then this man is the secret to ending cancer and famine in the world! Each to its own. But the fact that you say ridiculous statements such as curing cancer. I'm sure Kirby has changed many people's lives and good for each and every single one of you!
    But what he is Doing is dangerous! You cannot teach ppl to starve and live off vibrations and sunlight! When you look at the nat geo program done on him it's called Taboo!!! And it says how many o

  11. Carol says:

    Coming from a western education and background, I too was narrow minded and had tunnel vision when it came to matters such as this however over the past few years my eyes have been opened to the spiritual and eastern practices, as mentioned in this article. I've actually gone on to read more on what Kirby had to say on his site after seeing this article and its very much in line with eastern philosophy of thousands of years practicing alternative energy sources. I for one am surprised to see suc

  12. King Neon says:

    With so many negativities and the man's illustrious past being questioned.. I'm wondering.. What if? What if he's that 1% that makes it out of a serious drug addiction to make a positive impact and change the very understanding we have of life. What if this man is not faking it, and telling the truth. What if man can exist on an alternate source of energy intake than the nutritionally low processed food we eat?

    I for one am interested in seeing where this will lead, not blindly. And s

  13. Conrad says:

    The problem people in this world have is they want to judge a person for he is or for what he was. as said in an earlier post. he is doing this program for free so why not enroll for yourself to clear any doubts. and on the topic categorically says not to refrain from food and this program or lifestyle is about cleansing the body and mind of unwanted desires, thus reinvigorating your system for longer life

  14. shan says:

    As a wise man once said BELIEVE and RECIEVE OR DOUBT and GO WITHOUT !!!!

  15. JT says:

    I followed this program too and it has helped me overcome my eating habits and issues in my body which I was suffering from for 8 years ! I suggest that all those with doubt should do this program for themselves and see if it is real or fake ! Then they can comment and give their real view on this.

  16. JuPieter says:

    All you skeptics!!... Listen up!!... Just as you are bold enough to make a comment on this post, why wont you be bold and do it your self, since the man if offering it FREE (for all those who said he's making money out of it). Don't just say things picked up from a Google search. There are hundreds of people who have (boldly) done the 7 day program and are living proof. And MIND YOU, the program is NOT about NOT EATING FOOD (in case you already didn't know that) and it's not even about Breathari

  17. Peter says:

    Kirby's exact words, at the end of the Nat Geo piece, are:

    "Because of breatharianism and because of what I believe, I personally believe I have tapped into the fountain of youth; and I believe that immortality is my portion and that I will be around for a long time."

    These claims to immortality are quite extraordinary. Time will tell.

  18. Cancer-be-gone says:

    You gotta be smoking some good shit to believe this crap!
    Honestly!! To answer JuPieter yes nat geo is not stupid hence why he was featured on a program called TABOO!! which was edited and put all over face book! if a drug dealer and a drug abuser can reform and not cheat and con ppl!! well then yes I believe in ANUGULIMALA too!!
    and curing cancer??? SERIOUSLY???? how stupid are you ppl!!! to state something like that! honestly how stupid are you id**ts that follow him! if he can cure

  19. vérité says:

    DM, Where is the rest of my comment? Why do you only publish one line of a comment which defeats everything as it has meaning>

  20. vérité says:

    The danger in listening to people like this , who espouse new age theories about cures

  21. Mel says:

    As an Anthropologist and having studied a great deal on the subject of 'Taboo', from its original context taken from the Polynesian languages and only made known in the English language by James Cooke in the 18th century to practices in other cultures and societies world wide, Let me explain the word's etymology. The word Taboo is a practice that is sacred or forbidden in one society or culture. This is to say in the context of the society or culture one is in, that practice is 'taboo'. Let

  22. JuPieter says:

    With reference to the comment by Cancer-be-gone, What is TABOO for you might not be to another person or a society. I think your issue with Kirby is you probably know him or had dealings with him in the past and you cant get over it. Hence the comments about drug dealers (which i am sure he was not) and drug abusers (he him self says he was). What you are trying to highlight is old news and is in the public domain, and no one has tried to hide them either; especially Kirby. To know who he is NOW

  23. JuPieter says:

    Reply to Cancer-be-Gone (Continued...) ... And I can promise you, you have no idea of the id**ts that follow him or the good shit that they smoke!!....Nat Geo clearly shows a real event happening..... where the participant states that they have never felt better after the program and the nutritionist clearly stating her surprise. I guess if a white man in the likes of a physician Michael Mosley from BBC says the same thing presented as a new western discovery; some Sri Lankans might take it. So

  24. Aluthduradevage says:

    On reading the comments in this post I must say that some people should be ashamed of themselves. Clearly exposing their bigotted thinking and judgmentalism.
    Give someone a chance. Such a blood thirsty, ruthless generation.
    I for one am glad that kirby is making an attempt to make a positive change in himself and the lives of others, whether or not I understand or agree with the concept. People should just do their bit without wasting time criticizing others. We would all get more do

  25. Geir Offenberg says:

    I listened to some sermons from kirby on the internet, and lost over 20kg from the impartation, which means im now in my healthy weight zone. Its the real deal.

  26. Shaun says:

    I heard Kirby for the first tme two days ago on the Spiritword channel. I was mesmoriaed by his words. He spoke with clarity and life. What he said makes biblical sense. I would love to live in this consciousness. He gives new meaning to the Kirby brand. ... This guy is a living " Vacuum Cleaner" said in jest:-) Keep up the good work Kirby

  27. Ashley says:

    I would like to second Shaun on his statement. Everything that Kirby speaks about is in scriptures. Some of us have just read past the words without getting the true revelation of what Jesus was saying. Thank you Kirby for opening up the Word that we too could get the revelation. I for one will be first on the list should a programe be held in South Africa

  28. Maria says:

    The best is to experience and build your own opinion instead of limiting yourself by not knowing and just judging others. Raju, if you state that you know Kirby from earlier does not make your judgment right. He may be a different person now. He has definitely a lot of valuable knowledge and wisdom to share and who ever I know had the guts to start the program has benefitted in various ways,- including myself!!! Do not get yourself influenced by people who just talk and do not dare to experienc

  29. Kagiso says:

    I would like to contact Kirby,how do I get hold of him personally. Can anyone help.I know faith when I see one,,IF also know the Word.Something happened when I watched taboo Usa

  30. WAYAN MADIA says:

    I am very-very interesting a bout breatharisme and I hope Mr Kirby to make the guard book for step bay step explaind for breatharisme life and I would like to contact of him personally if He have schedule to visit Bali

  31. Fanny Parys says:

    Raju, Cancer, Hoona, verite..From what place are you judging, when a man is making a difference in the lives of thousands.? What qualifies you to cast stones? Are you Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohamed or any other god? How can this nation rise it's head when your sole mission is to dishonour and disrespect another human being.Suggest you check yourself first before you a point a finger at another, cost 4 of them are pointing at you, whilst only one at Kirby. Be watchful when you make biased statemen

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