May 08 2015.
views 178250 Shades of Jaraa
Arsikland’s media presents a unique TV show titled “50 Shades of Jaraa” on the 11th and 12th of May at the Lionel Wendt Theatre. Daily Mirror caught up with the two main figures behind this. Members of the former cabinet of Arsikland, Sweetie Boley M.P. and Manjula Pachamaster M.P.
Q: What were your feelings when your lokka was ousted at the elections?
A: Feeling are very sad thamai. What to do? Please ask another question.
Q: How does it feel like to be in the opposition?
A: 5 star buffet eken kaala kaala now we are in the desert. Desert means not the sweet things after the meal but the dry place with no water.
Q: Are you in regular contact with your former leader?
A: He is not former leader. He is our Apey Samadaa Janapathi only. Yes he calls us all the time, to guide us the correct path.
Q: Why is it important to pass on your knowledge of accepting Jaraa to members of the new cabinet?
A: Because they are new. It is like in cricket. You sit on the bench for a long time and then you get a chance to batting. It is important that the battingsman who has been batting for a long time and then gotting out, gives you some some addise when you are going to bat. Otherwise first ball you lose your wicket ne? Also, if the new cabinets fellows not doing jaraa, then peoples will get used to not GIVING jaraa, then when we come back into power it will be very difficult for us.
Q: What was the highest Jaraa you accepted while being in the government?
A: Ha ha ha. Very good question. Next question please.
Q: What sort of tips are you proposing to share with the Government ministers?
A: For that you have to watch our program “50 Shades of Jaraa”.
Q: In your opinion what characteristics do you think a Minister who demands Jaraa should have?
A: To ask for Jaraa, you must be efficient. You must be able to get the job done, you must know the shortcuts, the loopholes. Taking Jaraa is very difficult and must be done in a science-tific way.
Q: As a former minister who accepted Jaraa where have you kept your jaraa?
A: It is kept in a very safe place.
Q: Are you scared that whatever information shared here will be used against you by the Bribery Commission?
A: First you have to find the jaraa ne? If you can’t find it, you cant prove it.
Q: To young and aspiring people who are considering a career in exploiting the phenomenon of Jaraa, what advice do you have for them?
A: Get into politics.
Q: Is there a recipe for success in Jaraa?
A: Of course there is. You must learn the difference levels, you must learn when to ask, how to ask, how much to ask. Lot of things. Oll of this is covered in our workshop.
Q: How did you enter the realm of Jaraa?
A: In Arsikland, you don't have to enter the realm of Jaraa. When you get into power, Jaraa coming looking for you.
Q: Did you dream of being a Jaraa kingpin when you were young?
A: We are not Jaraa kingpins. Not yet. In Jaraa it is important to always remember not matter how much you take, you are still learning. We are hoping to be kingpins one day.
Q: Do you think Jaraa should be made part of the school curriculum?
A: NO. Because we are hoping to have private tution classes for jaraa. If we are teaching this free in the schools then we wont be able to charge small fee for the tuition class.
50 shades of Jaraa at the Lionel Wendt on the 11th and 12th of May. Limited tickets are available at the theatre.
By Tina Edward Gunawardhana
Illustrations by