
Feb 22 2013.

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25 things you don’t know about Michiko Chiba
Today I have a popular dancer and model. She has worked with all the leading names in fashion and beauty in this country in the capacity of a catwalk, editorial, commercial and promotional model. She has gone international with her talent. 
Two weeks ago, I featured her mom, and I thought it’d be good to have a follow up on what the secrets behind the daughter were... 
Hope you will enjoy her 25! 
1. I don’t like bridges.
2. I have an IQ of 136 and was a member of Mensa in my teens.
3. I was accepted to Harvard Law School at 17, but never attended...long story.
4. People I talk to usually end up uttering the phrase ‘you’re funny ‘ somewhere in the conversation...so I guess I’m funny.
5. I always try to speak the truth so please don’t ask me if that red and purple polka dotted skirt looks good on you.
6. My fave food is curry and sushi - not very original for a Sri Lankan/ Japanese girl...I know.
7. I will eat anything...spiders, snakes, alligator, crickets....check ... bring it on.
8. I have moved homes 32 times in my life so far.
9. I’m a Certified Christian minister...I’m not ordained, but I can officially marry people ( I think). 
10. I quite literally do not know how to do nothing. The only way I relax is to get a spa treatment, because I am forced to lie down for an hour.
11. I never fall asleep before 2 am.
12. I did my first professional runway fashion show at age 6 and my last at 36.
13. I have double jointed fingers.
14. Although I’m a total TCK (Third Culture Kid, someone with more than 2 possible homelands), I claim Sri Lanka as home.
15. I want to heal/save the world, or at least a part of it. Come join me!
16. I’m terribly self-deprecating...this is why gossip doesn’t work on me, cos before you say anything bad about me, I’ve said it about myself.
17. I read 2-3 books a week. The last one was The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam. Inspiring!
18. I love the ocean, no you don’t understand I LOVE the ocean !oh and chocolate.
19. My hands have been in more TV commercials than my face...Er...is that saying something?
20. I’ve been featured on 42 newspaper/ magazine covers (my daughter just counted them).
21. I’m allergic to horses?!?(diagnosis by clinical testing-seriously)
22. My mantra is ‘this too shall pass’. It helps me get through tough times, and reminds me to enjoy good times.
23. I have total reliance on God.
24. My first ‘real’ job was for a tele sales company in London - selling tickets to socials for senior citizens. (yes folks that’s a real honest-to-goodness job)
25. It took me 3 hours and 27 minutes to come up with 25 things you wouldn’t know about me - this is hard!!!!!


  1. FUMIO says:

    How did she get the name Michiko Chiba? The worlds best known Japanese porn actress too is Michko Chiba. No kidding

  2. warElephant says:

    man, i got an IQ of 142, but i got rejected from many universities

  3. Sylvia Haik says:

    Sri Lanka must be a wonderful country for so many different nationalities and races to thrive. Besides the Buddhists, Muslims, Burghers there are also prominent Japanese (as Michiko Chiba), Chinese, Malays, Afghans, Pakistanis Indians, Spaniards, British, Dutch and Portuguese.

  4. SAM FERNANDO says:

    Harvard Law school at 17 !!!!! I am a JD form Harvard and this is the very first time I heard of anyone being admitted so early in life, its unlikely that she read for her pre law degree at that age. I have my reservations. I choose to discount this statement to a possible Lapsus memoriae or a Lapsus linguae. Writer beware have you made Lapsus calami ?

  5. Gamarala says:

    @Sam Fernando. I am amazed that you having attended Harvard made the above comment. 16 year-old Filipino-American Kiwi Alejandro Danao Camara in 2001 became the youngest person to matriculate at Harvard Law School. At age 19, he earned his doctorate in law magna cum laude, making him possibly the youngest graduate in Harvard Law School history.

  6. Gamarala says:

    For the younger generation in Sri Lanka who were not exposed to Latin terms, used in legal language. Mr. Sam Fernando should not have used these terms as many in Sri Lanka have not been exposed to Latin like in the Good Old days when most schools had a period of Latin. The three terms used by Mr Fernando; Lapsus Memoriae, Lapsus Linguae

  7. Gamarala says:

    Who ever edits comments should either publish the comment in full or not publish it at all. The last part of my comment (above) is missing. This is not the first time it has happened. Why do you make a mockery of what people have to say by not publishing the full comment??????

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