
Mar 11 2013.

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    ‘Make the world a better place to live in’ - Gagan Malik 






Indian actor Gagan Malik who plays the role of Prince Siddhartha in the epic movie ‘Sri Siddhartha Gautama’ which is now running to packed houses, said he considered it a privilege to have played the role of such a great personality.

“After I completed this film I was offered the role of Lord Rama in the Maha Ramayanan epic tele series. Now I feel life has given me some extra-ordinary opportunities. I hope to do some good work for the people together with the film’s main architect Navin Gooneratne. We hope to do things that will not only make one a better person but that will also make the world a better place to live in.



I will announce details about this forum soon in Colombo since we are going to start it from Sri Lanka and take the message across the world. This is a platform which will have no religious, racial, language, political or colour barrier. It is purely open to all human beings of any stature,” Gagan told Impulse.



Sri Siddhartha in Tamil


The movie will be dubbed in the Tamil language and screened in the North east, Colombo and the Central province soon.

The film’s producer and Light of Asia Foundation Chairman Navin Gooneratne said he made a request to Maharaja Group Chairman Raja Mahendran who enthusiastically responded positively to the project.

The film is being dubbed in Tamil now and will be released in theatres in the near future.

“My aim is to ensure that all Sri Lankans watch the movie. We hope to dub it in several foreign languages and screen it in those countries, eventually making it accessible to the whole world,” Mr. Gooneratne said. 




Pix by Kithsiri de Mel 


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