Do's - Men's Underwear

Nov 12 2011.

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Looking great begins with underwear -- the foundation of every man’s everyday dress routine. So it’s a wonder why underwear shopping falls dead last on most guys’ to-do list. Having a rep as the lamest gift-giving item of all time certainly doesn’t help. 

What You Need To Know
  • Once a pair has seen better days - a small hole, a tiny rip, a little fray -- toss it in the trash.
  • Men should have at least 10 pairs of underwear on hand at all times.
  • Men’s underwear should always look like it was made for a man.

So Boys, let's dig into the Dos

Do replace old underwear

We’ve heard the statistic tossed around that eight years is the average length of time it takes men to replace their underwear. Whether or not that’s accurate (and we hope it’s not, frankly), no matter how long it takes you to replenish supplies, once a pair has seen better days -- a small hole, a tiny rip, a little fray -- toss it in the trash. Is this a heavy price to pay for a relatively negligible imperfection? Maybe. But wear and tear with underwear is a dangerously slippery slope. And as for those lucky boxers you’ve been holding onto since your frat boy days, clear a space in your sock drawer and lay them to rest -- forever.
Do have a collection of men's underwear
Men should have at least 10 pairs of underwear on hand at all times. That’s one for everyday of the week plus two additional for weekend nights and another thrown in for good measure or some sort of, um, emergency. Active guys -- the workout buffs, outdoor types and all-around heavy sweaters -- will need a few more to meet their needs. The opposite isn’t true for couch potatoes: Sitting around all day doesn’t mean you can get away with fewer.
Do find your brand
Variety is the spice of life, except, perhaps, when it comes to men's underwear. It can be difficult to find a brand that fits just right -- one that holds the goods in place without being too tight or too loose. But once you happen to stumble upon the right kind, it’s a good idea to stock up. Sure, you can go wild with different colors, super comfortable eco-friendly fabrics and maybe even a print or two. But your best bet is to always stay loyal to a single name that you know works for you. Besides, do you really want to be spending that much time shopping for underwear?
Do wear a variety of styles
So, while being a one-brand man is a definite do, it’s also important to have an assortment of men's underwear for various activities. Briefs provide the right support for almost every situation from bar to boardroom. But sometimes you just need to set things free come bedtime with a looser-fitting boxer. And then, of course, there’s the hybrid known as the boxer-brief, an ideal way to get both support and coverage for a hardcore workout. Keep each set separate so you always have the right pair ready to rumble.
Do wash your underwear every time
Did you know that dirty drawers typically carry up to a gram of fecal matter? Sick. Fortunately, the answer to keeping clean isn’t wearing a disposable diaper. Loose-fitting boxers won’t get you an extra day’s worth of wear either. Underwear should be washed after each wear, period. Use regular bleach if we’re talking whites since it packs a heftier punch than the color-safe kind.




  1. Don says:

    I have seen many times when I shop for clothing bikinis and thongs for men in some shopping malls. What's your opinion about bikinis and thong underwear?

    Are those suitable for a man to wear?

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