Culottes – fashionably deceptive

Jul 04 2012.

views 2194

Culottes (cu·lottes[koo-lots, kyoo-] can trace their origins to the French.

Historically, they were referred to the knee-breeches commonly worn by gentlemen of the European upper-classes from the late Middle Ages or Renaissance, through the early nineteenth century. Today they are women's trousers, usually knee-length or calf-length, cut full to resemble a skirt.

A great deal popular during the fifties these deceiving garments have stayed around since then. You can either play it casual by wearing it with a long soft t-shirt or tuck your top in and give it that dressy look.

From calf length culottes to thigh high culottes, this fashionable wear with its ability to fool onlookers are a must have. They are cute, fun, flirty and certainly a conversation starter.













Shazzana Hamid



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