Oct 20 2014.
views 1471Common makeup mistakes women make.
The main purpose of makeup is to enhance one's natural beauty and if someone is unable to tell whether you're wearing makeup or not when you are, you hit the spot right! Most women today use make up as a shield to look different and older contradicting the purpose of makeup (unless it's stage makeup for theatre). There are many pros and cons of makeup and many mistakes women make in its application.
1. Not testing make up
Not every brand is going to work for your skin and your facial skin is one of the most sensitive areas which should not be meddled with. It is effortless for one to be allergic to certain products and cosmetics hence testing is important. Avoid applying different brands as it too can form an allergic reaction when combined. Opt for products that are renowned and recognized to avoid unforeseen complications.
2. Using the wrong shade of foundation
A very common mistake made by most women which either result in a ghostly or ghastly appearance due to the excess application or wrong shade. Foundation should be selected according to one's skin tone and it should complement the natural complexion of an individual. Also avoid ignoring the neckline area as a visible two tone may appear between the face and neck if not catered for.
3. Overly applying eye makeup
Eye shadow is one of the trickiest aspects of makeup to deal with especially when using bold colours. Highlighting one's eyes could be done with subtlety using mascara and eyeliner, but when using eye shadow, matching it with ones skin tone and dress sense is vital. One should be extremely careful when experimenting bold colours on dark eyes and eyelids as it may look unnatural and overly done and even be mistaken for a black eye!
4. Using makeup which was bought decades ago
Like everything else makeup too has an expiry date. It may be the best makeup you used, but it is only natural that with time its quality deteriorates. Changing your makeup seasonally is helpful, and it keeps you to be updated on latest trends and looks that you could try on. Also unlike new products, old products show its quality especially when used on your face. Hence it is important that your make up changes along with your looks.
5. Wearing TOO much makeup
Giving your face a cakey and heavy effect adding on to the feeling of discomfort is a definite no-no when dealing with makeup. This common mistake aggravates the possibility of acne breakouts as well as ages one's appearance in an instant. Use makeup to hide unnecessary wrinkles and other signs of aging but overdoing it will only result in an older aged appearance.
6. Failing to clean makeup brushes and sponges
You may be the only one using your makeup, but that doesn't mean there is zero possibility of germs and bacteria breeding in your tools. Since makeup equipment deal mostly with your face, it is important that they are always kept clean away from contamination even from air. There is a possibility of dust and germs invisible to the eye joining forces with make up to damage your sensitive skin.
7. Incorrect makeup blending
Makeup is an art and its blend is what affects the overall outlook. Wearing makeup to look like a rainbow is not the expected purpose, but to downplay one's flaws and heighten best features is what is expected through makeup blending. Visible lines and improper shading should be tackled artfully as blending is the core element in makeup proficiency.
8. Dark visible lip liner contradicting with lipstick shade
You may be having the luscious lips of Angelina Jolie, but it doesn't permit you to over enhance them. Avoid using dark lip liner especially if you have pale lips as it may surface a clown mouth look which does not look appealing. Go with shades that are more neutral over bold colours such as red, hot pink and magenta if you intend on using lip liner as it may pose as an unnatural look over sophistication.
9. Incomplete touch ups
Your makeup is all set for now, but what about touch ups? Wearing makeup all day does not guarantee that you'll look the same throughout, making touch ups an extremely important aspect in the art of makeup. Dabbing away excess oil on your face is essential as it may have an adverse effect on your final look and touch up spots that may seem as needy.
10. Sleeping with makeup on
After partying or a heavy day's work, dozing off to sleep in your make up is detrimental regardless of age. Makeup is known for its ability to clog pores and sleeping with clogged pores may result in severe break outs. Leaving on eye makeup may result in severe eye irritation and itchiness causing complications. No matter how tired or lazy you are, make an effort to remove makeup before bed!
By Eshani Seneviratne