Dec 24 2013.
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What better Christmas gift that to have an adorable puppy in your Christmas stocking this Christmas? That's exactly what happened at Odel on December 22nd, when Odel's celebrity pooch, Niko hosted Christmas with Niko to co-incide with Christmas Adoption Day, giving pooch lovers a day of seasonal cheer, fun and excitement, with a chance to Adopt-a-Pooch as part of the festivities. The flagship store at Alexandra Place was agog with many seasonal shoppers, most of who were doggy-lovers and quite enjoyed staying on to participate in the numerous events that took place throughout the afternoon.
This December's Adoption Day heralded the launch of The Love Shop, aimed at encouraging the gift of a puppy this Christmas. Extremely successful, The Love Shop saw a record number of street puppies being taken for adoption, either as gifts or by families who genuinely would love to have a dog in their home.
The afternoon was festive, enjoyable and fun. Face painting tended to be extremely popular as was the unique doggy lick, where visitors gave Niko's ceramic figurine, “a lick” of paint or maybe even many licks. Canine owners who simply cannot be away from their own pets could create personalised calendars featuring dog-owners and their pooches, truly symbolic of a 'Giving Season'.