‘Are they drowned or shot?’ ask animal lovers

Jun 21 2012.

views 1325

Animal lovers and animal welfare organisations held a peaceful protest this morning at Lipton Circus, against the disappearances of stray dogs.









Although a ‘no kill policy’ is supposedly in place, animal welfare organisations claim dogs are rounded up and are ‘disappearing.’




Pics by Kithsiri de Mel 


  1. Asaranakolla says:

    Dont even think about to kill stray animals, why cant have a opphanage for them, so those who want to have pets can buy from here, UDA have to see this ASAP. Should implement animal licence too.

  2. NN says:

    Bring all stray dogs home if you can. Any idea how much we are expending on rabies injections? We need a control over stray dogs or people who love should do something (may be you can have a fund and keep them somewhere and look after)

  3. HelloColombo says:

    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi

  4. Tania says:

    It's really sad to see what Sri Lanka is turning into.Where do I start?To begin with, it's really sad to see the level of enthusiasm displayed by both the public and the media concerning matters such as the plight of innocent animals. (continue to next comment)

  5. Tania says:

    (Continued from previous comment)
    LIFE Online posted not 1 but4 articles on Adult "star" Sunny Leon and all the BS about her that got everyone in a mighty frenzy.
    But when it concerns innocent lives all we see is ONE pathetic article.
    Anyway, I'm proud to see fellow Lankans take to the streets in protest.I wish I was in SL to be there with my slogans and tea buns for the strays in the area.I dont expect much from the government.I'm proud of the private entities doing their very be

  6. krapra says:

    That is why the country of the person you mentioned is full of dirt and rubbish. That is why that country is a living hell ...

  7. hemjey says:

    Please see stats on deaths by rabies. Those animals should be with animal-lovers/owners. No more stray animals please; they spread deceases, spread garbage pulled out from bins. also they suffer without food, and care etc.

  8. Nilanthi says:

    Animal lovers please come forward to protect these innocent animals.

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