Meet Anithra Basnayaka

Oct 25 2012.

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She is not the average girl next door; she is one of the toughest ladies I have ever interviewed. 
She has an appetite for sports and maintains an active lifestyle. 
She is a model who gives a lot of thought before choosing her assignments. Anithra is a past pupil of Elizabeth Moir School in Colombo. Currently she’s in Australia following a degree in Biomedical Science. 
She talks about her love for sports, her modelling assignments and more right here on 
1. We have seen you in spa advertisements Anithra and you are simply “exotic”. Why aren’t you more into modelling? 
As much as I love being in front of the camera and expressing myself, up to this point I haven’t had a big enough break to make me think that modelling will give me a sustainable future. I enjoy life and there are certain things a girl can only have with educating herself. Education is crucial to understand and be prepared for a comfortable life, which cannot be fulfilled by doing modelling full time.  
2. Seems like you pick and choose your modelling assignments, what’s your criteria and preference?
I prefer to work in decent, well organised shoots, which understand the time and effort made by the model, and which pay adequately for the time spent. I am particular about make-up artists and I am vigilant when reading contracts. Many times I have come across designers and advertising agents that try to overwork and underpay the model. I will not have this.
3. You are an avid sports fan. Tell us about your sporting life in brief.
I began sports when I was very young. I ran 100m under 8 and 10 in which I dug up first place certificates. During my school life I had the pleasure of trying many different types of sports and I made some lifelong friends because of this, I am ever grateful to sports for this. I played a great variety of sports in which I excelled; basketball, swimming, football, athletics (long distance running & throwing events such as Putt, Discus and Javelin) and rowing. Sport is an important part of anyone’s life. It help to build discipline, friendships and health and helps in 'grounding' or making a person centred and is essential for work/life balance.
4. Currently you are studying abroad. What is this leading to?
Well, as my father says 'experience is the best school of all' and studying abroad has taught me how to live and work with other people and what difficulties may be faced in any situation. I believe these are the real life lessons that prepare us, our course is just our interest of study. I’m studying Biomedical Science degree minoring in Business Studies and hope to be educated enough to carry my father’s company on my shoulders, a company which he built with his bare hands and which is part of my core.
5. How will a medical science degree help with your father’s business?
My father owns a pharmaceutical company. By understanding the physiology of the human body as well as the business techniques needed in the production and distribution of pharmaceutical products, I hope to be prepared to take up a managerial role in the company.
6. What was your favourite shoot ever?
I truly enjoyed the Spa Ceylon shoot because it was set in a great atmosphere, which was an old colonial house on the border of the city. It had beautiful antique furniture and the great finesse of the colonial style houses, there were large gardens which were perfectly manicured and covered with a vast variety of flowers. The organisers took good care of us and it felt so relaxed that we were able to work very effectively together with the photographers in the shoot.
7. Future plans? Is conquering the fashion world in your agenda? 
I enjoy fashion and will continue to be part of it, whether I make it part of my life goals or not I still haven’t assessed. Fashion is important as it unites people who have similar interests; it also helps a person display their individuality.
Text and pics by Jayantha Fernando

Please note that the views expressed by the readers by way of comments are their own and DO NOT reflect the opinions of 


  1. Amith says:

    Just another girl next door!!! With the deception of makeup and art of photography, anyone can climb the ladder of being a model....until you spotted without them!!!

  2. guy next door says:

    Pretty much the girl next door... lost in what to do...and with a marketing interview... who was the interviewer was it the first time.....

  3. guy next door says:

    a guy with no GF will feel a dried fish better as welll... in my honest opinion this interview is a waste of time

  4. J25 says:

    Well....with makeup, any one can look better. Men & Women both. "With the deception of makeup and art of photography, anyone can climb the ladder of being a model....until you spotted without them!!!", that's catchy Amith.

  5. linkedupcommercial says:

    hey mate wanna see her without make up and the camera i know shell still be somebody gorgeous and youll still be jobless enough to sit here and right a comment like that

  6. Jay says:

    A terrible bit of writing to start off. -And the fact is even a great personality/model can be ruined by silly attempts at publicity, specially when this is the first time we are hearing about her. 'She is not the average girl next door; she is one of the toughest ladies I have ever interviewed'.- what does that line contribute to the interview? What makes her tough or for that matter even interesting ? She is an upstart and that is fine. Just choose your mode of publicity better. Good luck!

  7. Jade-92 says:

    I used to do modern dance with her when we were young, she has always been a grounded beautiful fierce person, from the inside out! Amazing job Annie!

  8. Djamila says:

    There are some pretty ugly comments here. its sad coz this girl is simply wonderful from inside and out. Not to mention very hard working! U should all be very proud of her. She could easily sit around and do nothing but she is fighting for her happiness. So at least get to know her before being so nasty.

  9. justin alameine says:

    you should see her dance, all of you would want to hide in shame for what youve just said, she is talented in every sense!! idiots who dont know anything and who are obviously jealous usually come out with negative comments because they are so damn insecure about themselves, and why dont you try and see her without makeup shes still as beautiful infact even more!

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