Nov 20 2012.
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The Amazing Race is one of the most popular reality television shows in the United States. And this year, the Race is special to us in Sri Lanka as two Sri Lankan ladies are currently participating in the race. With their sense of enthusiasm, competitive spirit and fun loving nature they have certainly brought some colour in to the Race.
Daily Mirror Life caught up with the twins Nadiya and Natalie and this is what they had to say:
Q) Your full names
Our full names are Nadiya Anderson, and Natalie Anderson
Q) Please fill us in on your Sri Lankan roots
We were born in Queens New York, however, our parents brought us back to Sri Lanka when we were three years old. We lived in Dehiwala, then moved back to the United States when we were 14 for high school.
Even though we were born in the US and have spent the last 15 years here, we have, and will always consider ourselves Sri Lankan! We are extremely proud to be Sri Lankan women!
Q) Do tell us about your family
Our parents, Bernadine and Anton Anderson, are the most important people in our lives! They are the reason we are as outgoing, confident and strong as we are. They have always encouraged us to stand up for what we believed in and be true to ourselves, even if it meant not meeting others expectations of what we should be.
My sister and I always did things our own way, and our parents have been our biggest supporters.
Our Dad, Anton, is Managing Director and Partner of Scanwell Logistics Sri Lanka. He is also the reason we have always been athletes. He grew up an athlete and was a definite influence in our lives. He has been our number one supporter! He was very proud of us when we represented the CR&FC on the Women's Rugby team one summer. It was also a proud moment for us to be able to play with local Sri Lankan female athletes and be apart of the history of the club.
Anton & Bernadine
Our Mom, Bernadine is also an inspiration to us. She is the owner/principal of La Petite Fleur Montessori House of Children and also founded a non-profit programme, Bridge2Peace in response to the devastating Tsunami in 2004. My mother has been a great role model, she taught us how to be strong, powerful women.
Our parents are both invested in the cause of creating opportunities and a better life for the unprivileged children of Sri Lanka. Together they have changed the lives of so many, and we couldn't be more proud of them both!
Q) Where did you school in Sri Lanka and in the US
In Sri Lanka we attended Asian International School. We made an easy adjustment to school in the US, where we attended a public high school in West Hartford, Connecticut called William Hall High. We then attended Fordham University in New York and graduated in 2008 from the school of business.
Q) What are you qualified in
We both did our Undergrad in Business Management, with a concentration in International Business and Marketing.
Natalie: I am currently pursuing my Masters in Physical Therapy at Hunter College in New York.
Q) What are you interested in doing in terms of work etc and why
Natalie: I would like to finish school and work closely in the area of sports rehab with a professional sports team. This has been a dream of mine since a rugby injury while playing for my university team, where I tore my
Nadiya: I have worked in the non-profit sector in New York City for three years. I am currently working with my mother and Bridge2Peace. I want to continue to bring awareness to Bridge2Peace and our country.
Q) So what made you guys enter The Amazing Race
Our friends and family have always told us that we would be perfect for The Amazing Race. We always thought it would be a good idea, but never applied. Then, a friend of ours submitted a video of us to The Amazing Race, and from there, The Amazing Race wanted us to be apart of the show.
Because we are twins and very close, we knew it would be perfect for us. The fact that we are athletic, strong, well travelled, and do well in intense situations together made us perfect candidates!
Q) What has it been like so far in the race?
So far The Amazing Race has been a truly amazing experience. Getting to travel while completing extreme challenges and fun obstacles was a dream come true for us. We love being physical, challenging ourselves and seeing how far our bodies and minds can be pushed.
The race was exhausting, but at the same time one of the most exhilarating things we have ever done. We also got to meet new people and create friendships that will last us a life time.
The process of watching ourselves on national television and being recognised in both Sri Lanka and the US is surreal but at the same time pretty cool. Amazing Race is the number one watched reality show in the US, and close to 11 million people watch it each week.
People who recognise us ask us about Sri Lanka and about our parents, they want to know more than what the camera shows. We don't think we will ever get used to people coming up to us and asking for pictures and autographs.
Q) What do you think your chances are at winning the race?
We went into The Amazing Race feeling confident about our chances of wining! Part of it is our personality, and part of it is our experiences!
There were several reasons why we felt like we would have a good chance at winning:
1) We grew up in Sri Lanka
2) We were in the best shape of our lives
3) We are strongest when we work together
4) We do very well under pressure
5) We can have a good time no matter what we are doing!
Q) What has been the best part of the race so far?
The best part of the Race so far has been experiencing The Amazing Race together and being able to represent Sri Lanka! As the first Sri Lankans to ever be on The Amazing Race we are very proud to let people know who we are and where we come from!
Also making our parents proud of how strong we are as a team – It’s a reflection of how they raised us. They have always encouraged us to be ourselves, be it at school, at work, our personal lives, or on national television, with 11 million people watching!
Q) In terms of fitness has it been rigorous and do you guys think you are handling it well
We think we are handling ourselves amazing in terms of fitness, being one of only two female/female teams, we knew that upper body strength would be something we needed to work on.
We have always been athletes, we swim, play rugby, basketball, track and field and have always stayed active but for the race we knew we needed to focus on strength, so we took up CrossFit (heavy lifting and strength training) and worked out five days a week for three months prior to filming/competing on The Race.
When we left to The Race we where the strongest, and fastest we had ever been in our lives! During filming everybody was surprised at our endurance and athletic ability, not only because we were female but also because people are not used to seeing girls from Asia/India/SriLanka being so strong/athletic.
It was a great feeling to crush people’s stereotypes of what a Sri Lankan girl 'should' be like, and dominate the physical challenges!
Q) Anything else you'd like to add on the race and anything else in general?
We are proud to be representing Sri Lanka while running the race. We are known as the Sri Lankan/American twins and people don't understand why despite being born in New York City, and spending most of our lives in America, we still are so closely attached to our Sri Lankan culture and heritage.
We try and explain that Sri Lanka has been THE most shaping factor in our lives. It is apart of who we are and what we are, and no matter where we live or what we end up doing in the future, being Sri Lankan will always be apart of our identity, is at the very core of our identity and will continue to shape our lives.
From all the places we have lived, Sri Lanka will always be home.
Also we just want to say thank you to all the people watching from Sri Lanka! Thanks for the support and thanks for cheering us on!
By Natasha Fernandopulle
sanju says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 05:46 amhahahaha
Looks like damage control after the AWFUL video of them expostulating about their affluence and the servants they have in Sri Lanka. the allusions to child labour were SO politically incorrect, that it was quite clownish.
Nov 20, 2012 at 10:07 ami was born in sri lanka when it was called ceylon moved to California and was raised there but now in 2004 i have come back to live here and i love it. i look at you girls and im thinking wow these are my sisters and im thrilled to see you both on the Amazing race , your gonna win please win! i live in Bambalapita.
Manju says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 10:45 amSanju you seem to be having a problem about two young girls having a good time - just crawl back into your hole and let some young folk have are taking life too seriously.....Good lusk girls have fun and win the race.
Sujeevan says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 11:13 amSanju, be ashamed to call yourself a sri lankan, people like you we see in plenty in sri lanka...which is so sad, but these girls are proud to be sri lankan and let the world know that Sri Lanka has Talented people to.
Matt says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 01:51 pmWOW! Amazing Girls! I am a huge fan of them here in the STATES there has never been an ASIAN team male or female that has performed as well as them and captured the hearts of the audience! Sri Lanka should be proud to call them their own! These sisters are the only reason I watch Amazing Race this season! POWER HOUSE TEAM! Strong , Smart and beautiful! LETS GO #TEAMSRILANKA #TEAMTWINNIE! love them!
Narada G says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 06:26 pmSo proud of these two of daughters of Bernie's. We all see what these two ladies are doing on TV but there's no doubt that their energy and driving force came from their mother, Bernie. This is my favorite show for the last several years living in USA and never missed a single episode. Over 15 million people who watch "Amazing Race" now knows what Sri Lankan's are capable doing. Specially the Sri Lankan Ladies !!! I think Sri Lankans living all over the world should watch this and support our tw
Desmond Joseph says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 06:36 pmWe are proud of you girls, keep up the good work, All the very best, may God bless you
Gunapala says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 07:55 pmThese twins did something terrible to two other contestants, something really fraudulent. In the Dhaka (Bangladesh) leg of the race, two other contestants misplaced the money ($100) given to them. These two sisters saw the money lying on the table, they did not bother to find out whose money it was, just pocketed it.[ I did not see them give it back]. They knew it was not theirs. The other two contestants who lost it, had to literally beg from onlookers on the streets, to get some money so that
Gunapala says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 08:11 pmThese two should be disqualified for stealing: Disgraceful what they did to two other contestants. Read:
But who cares about that! More important things were going on here - like theft.
The Rockers realized their money was missing, and because they are kindhearted non-conniving competitors themselves, they just assumed it had fallen out of Abba's bag in the taxi. Oh, guys. Their $100 had been swiped off a table by their own racing compatriots, The Twins - with Lexi as giggling ac
Gunapala says:
Nov 20, 2012 at 08:26 pm#Sanju: Totally agree with your comments. These two should be disqualified for 'stealing' money that did not belong to them in Dhaka, from two other contestants. They are a disgrace to Sri Lanka.
Adrian says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 03:02 amYou should have watched what these two tell the whole world. How they benefit from their mothers NGO, how they terribly treat their servants bback home and so on
Narada G says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 03:16 amWhere are all the comments??
John says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 04:28 amYes, I was sad that they stole the money, I too think its gives Sri lankians a very bad name, DISAPOINTING.
Gunapala says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 05:42 am#Manju: How could you say 'two young girls having a good time". When these two robbed the money belonging to two other contestants on the Dhaka leg of the race. Those two contestants had to beg on the streets for some money so that they could continue in the race. These two are a disgrace to Sri Lanka. Out of all places, they robbed them in Dhaka a very poor place. Anyone could check that on the Amazing Race blog: #21, Episode #3. Go look it up.
karu says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 06:05 amHa ha....Easy guys !!!!There was no real stealing by twins..........To make TV shows become more successful, organizers do some kind of tactics with few participates in some episodes as real to attract audiences to the programs...It's all set up.
Gunapala says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 06:19 amBefore you make asinine comments, did you watch episode #3 in Dhaka? If you did you would have seen that two other contestants left their money on the table and these two swiped it and laughed about it. The two who lost the money had to beg from onlookers on the streets of Dhaka, so that they could continue in the race. Its absurd to call it 'tactics', its called ROBBERY in my part of the world.
Manju says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 02:53 pmGunapala you seem to be carrying a chip on your shoulder, maybe as a result of a distrubed childhood and now envious of young people, especially fellow lankans achieving something internationally - typical godaya worried about things that should be left to the organizers to decide - start your own amazing race for godayas............
Ugly blackies says:
Nov 21, 2012 at 04:19 pmpissue double.Blackies
Manju says:
Nov 22, 2012 at 01:03 amGuney is there sunlight in your part of the world?......Crawl out and get into the sunshine muchang it is nice and bright and you might find time to enjoy life and laugh a bit.
Gunapala says:
Nov 22, 2012 at 07:26 amYou are the idiot with the chip on your shoulder. Oh! so now you are a psychiatrist to diagnose about childhood problems, for pointing out that STEALING is not a virtue. Since when is ROBBING money from others OK? It was obvious to any one, that they calmly took the money belonging to two other contestants, pocketed it and then laughed about it. So THIEVING is OK in your book, is it? They bring discredit to country that they represent.
Look on the official link of Amazing race, so many vie
Gunapala says:
Nov 22, 2012 at 08:05 am#Manju: There are so many complaints to CBS about this robbery by American viewers. Go look at the blog of contestants Abba & James who were robbed. Its a disgrace to our country as they are called the Sri Lankan Twins.
Just a one commet of the many by Americans:"The stealing money part really turned me off. Did you find out that the sisters took it while you were still on the race?"
GIhan says:
Nov 22, 2012 at 03:38 pmAint these are the girls who posted a lame video ? cant remember the Drivers name but the Driver seems had an awesome time with these ammanddi's
Manju says:
Nov 22, 2012 at 11:59 pmGo girls go, never mind these negative, racist, godaya comments - winning is not the criteria, I know you two will try your utmost and that is enough. Winning is not everything but competing is....................
Jamil Riyaz says:
Nov 23, 2012 at 05:45 amThese two girls are a disgrace to Sri Lanka. Should be disqualified from the race for stealing other participants money. No wonder they talk about their family NGO ???? Robbing the poor !!!!
Andy says:
Nov 23, 2012 at 07:04 amYo Bernard... what's all this about ... "i live in Bambalapita"... what's up dude?
Gunapala says:
Nov 23, 2012 at 07:27 am# Manju: Why don't you add "Robbing" to your litany. So for you stealing is a 'godaya' comment. It just goes to show who the godaya is? By your lack of decency/ morals. For these two to represent S/L is a disgrace. So may Americans have written about this robbery, by the Twins but for you it seems dishonesty is a good trait.
ingrid Machado says:
Nov 25, 2012 at 11:40 amMy two kids attend LPF and Bernie is a wonderful role model and I as a parent respect her as I see the amazing work she is doing and I am sure she has raised her two daughters well - Nardia and Natalie has performed so well and I am proud that my kids attend the school that their mother has committed herself to and works so hard to keep it going, it is a school with a difference - Keep it up Nardia and Natalie despite all the evil things guys out there may say, May God Bless you
Gunapala says:
Nov 25, 2012 at 03:47 pmGoing by the thumbs down here for pragmatic comments. If two thieves are lauded and praised by the likes of Manju & others to be the epitome of young people of Sri Lanka. No wonder Sri Lanka is way down in the list of countries in the 'Honesty index' of the world.
Manju says:
Nov 26, 2012 at 03:42 amLooks like I hit the nail on the head, generally people with traumatic childhood like to cast aspirations on others - who are you to cast the first stone, your guilt complex is trying to put you above others....there might be a vacancy for the CJ's post.
Wild says:
Nov 26, 2012 at 11:26 amWhy so much discrimination !! After all they put Sri lanka on the Amazing race again !!
Gunapala says:
Nov 26, 2012 at 11:07 pm#Manju: Your analytical skills are asinine to say the least. You hit no nail on its head, except to display your ignorance and stupidity. Stealing is not something that many of us would aspire to. Honesty, fair play, justice are aspirations that people value. There seems to be a problem when dishonesty is considered a virtue by the likes of you. Enough said.
Manju says:
Nov 27, 2012 at 06:13 amPala, pala, gunapala you are amazing and such a forthright and honest Lankan, you must be made the President of our land and this country will prosper - may the blessings of the triple gem be with you.
Manju says:
Nov 29, 2012 at 07:14 amBoooo Hooooo......what to do men, you are appointing yourself god and judging others who do not even want or need your judgement, this is a typical godaya trait. Maybe you have lived with asses during your childhood........and now think that fellow humans are also asses.RIP
Th says:
Dec 06, 2012 at 04:24 pmAmazing race, the generosity of the people of Dhaka, where so many live with out hope, opened their pockets and raised money for the contestants who lost theirs to some one who knows what the good life is all about. not good at all.