Jun 27 2016.
views 713Street Style: Jude Gayantha Perera
Radio personality, creative director and reputed stylist, Jude is no stranger to any of us. Always dressed for the occasion, Jude prefers to describe his signature style as an amalgamation of what’s relevant to the dress code and what best describes him at the moment. “I like to play with the trend for the moment and represent myself at my best."
So this week on Street Style, Jude lets us catch a glimpse into the wardrobe of a stylist!
This is a regular work look when my day starts at 4am and it’s a very low key day.
So I’m wearing a Burton signature hoodie that I stumbled upon 4 years ago in Nuwara Eliya. The t-shirt is my favourite superman t-shirt paired off with a Basics stretch jeans that has a boot cut at the thigh and shoes from the Spring/Summer 2015 collection of ASOS and a signet Captain America ring that is one in seventy.
This is a very corporate look and I like to think that blue is my favourite colour! This is a custom made outfit from KIITO Bespoke. The shirt, pants and waistcoat are tailor made to my specification. The outfit is actually centered around the details; I’m wearing a Rolex Submariner, an Armani tie from their Spring/Summer 2017 collection, Paul Smith cufflinks with a Conscience carry on roller bag.
This is a casual blazer from ZARA with a button down shirt from Linen and Life paired with one of my favourite designers, Neranjala’s custom made batik prints from her Snake Skin Collection and fire trap white trainers. I’m also wearing a Michael Kors gold watch and a bracelet from ASOS.
This is a formal occasion wear. I’m wearing a Lovi Sarong from their tux collection. I really don’t think the market has recognized the potential for a sarong to be more of a formal wear choice. I’ve worn it with a Emerald corporate shirt and topped it off with a stylistlk original blazer that I’m very proud to call a creation of my own!
I’ve worn a suit accessory which is a lapel pin with a double point chained accessory and vintage gold cufflinks, gold clubmasters and Coel Haan fringe penny loafers in beige.
This is a very black tie/white tie look done by KIITO Bespoke. It’s a 3 piece suit with a 1920’s look with a lot of brocade work. I’ve paired it off with one of my favourite pair of shoes that are my pride and joy; Jeffery West handmade patent leather shoes that are from the Muse collection which only has 4 designs and is called ‘The Muse’.
The whole outfit comes together with my gold watch and vintage cufflinks and a few stack bracelets plus a CK bowtie.
Favourite Colours To Pair: It may sound cliche, but I wear a lot of RED if I don't wear black. I pair it mostly with white. I also like to pair neon’s with black. It's mostly about the mood I’m in and what the potential dress code for the event or venue might be. I like to bring in colour highlights with statement pieces like a blazer or shirt. But black is conscious choice I make to blend into the background on weekdays.
Go To Outfit: Beyond the hype and glam of attending events in designer wear and meetings in tailored outfits, most of my day is a pre-planned schedule that starts off at 4AM, so unless I have meetings, my go to outfit quite unashamedly is a well worn superhero tee with denims, hoodie and an odd pair of trainers to match. Unusual choice for a stylist I know, but I like to be comfortable and able to fold a leg under me when I sit down to write or overlook photographs or design work after my radio show every day.
Style Must Have’s?
Currently Colombo is obsessed with leather boots, so I take every opportunity to parade my Magnum combat boots or my UZ unpolished leather work boots in outfits centered around them. I recently saw a really great pair of boots at DSI premier, I can't wait to get my hands on them too.
Style Tip for Men: I rarely leave the house without an accessory on my hand, I'd always have a ring on my index or ring finger at the very least. I find it astounding most men don't wear accessories that give them a sense of personality especially in the corporate world; a bracelet, ring, watch or cufflinks always speak volumes and the level of success you are at no matter the brand it comes from, it's how you wear it.
I am also a strong opponent of white socks on men; in this day and age there are dress socks for the corporate world in a range of patterns and solid colours to match ties, shirts or anything you'd want to match, or if you're daring enough - not want it to. I rather go sockless than wear white or athletic socks ever again, and I think it's time we as a civilization evolved alongside.
Style NO’s: Style is a personal expression of what trends and fashion is making available to you. Once sense of style can change the very moment you choose to change it, however.. my personal opinions on things have created some strong no-no's. I am always looking for the perfect fit; for my clients, as well as myself. I am not a strong believer in oversized clothing, or clothing that hasn't been fitted on before a purchase, or tailored and adjusted. There's something about an individual’s silhouette being complimented the right way. Just because you've missed a few sessions at the gym, it doesn't mean your wardrobe is now going to be entirely printed pillowcases, even for men.
Style Hacks
- After much bad luck with my laundry, I’ve learnt to always buy at least one more of a white item of clothing so I avoid having tie-dye accidents with my washing machine. I also make sure that I read care instructions well, and wash new items of clothing separately just to ensure there isn't any fading or colour loss happens.
- There's a reason some items come in boxes and wrapping. Make sure you use your shoes and give them a good brush and put them back in their packaging. You will extend the life of a pair of shoes by at least twice. Accessories could do with a tissue wipe and follow the same.
- My weight used to fluctuate a lot, so I used to hate having to give up on certain favourite items of clothing until I saw a video of how in-seam pinning works. Basically put on your favourite pair of pants or shirt inside out, use 3/4 tiny pins at regular intervals and tighten the extra length or width. They should be good enough to wear once in awhile like that, or you could take them to a tailor or dressmaker for a permanent adjustment as well.
- Since I have such a busy schedule, I've learnt to plan out a clothing schedule and put away clothing in sets. Sometimes ironing them and hanging them on the weekend for the week in advance. Now even when I have time off, it feels great to have one less thing to think about, and it's one of the favourite things my clients love to hire me for.
- Never buy an item of clothing without trying it on. Always put on the shoes and walk around a bit, and put your full weight on the heel to make sure it's something sturdy. Most places can adjust your pant hem for you. Shirts need to be sat in not just looked in the mirror especially when they are slim fit.
Check out Jude on Instagram at www.instagram.com/stylistlk.
By Panchali Illankoon
Photographs by Kanishke Ganewatte