Apr 25 2016.
views 369Spring Cleaning For Your Summer Wardrobe
Some people might not consider Sri Lanka’s Sinhala & Tamil New Year a beginning of sorts into great and grand things, but I always look forward to it as another opportunity to try and accomplish what you may not have managed to achieve since the new year started on January 1st; a do over of sorts, or a second chance at that gym membership resolution. Don’t mind me, I’ve managed to achieve a few of my goals for 2016 already, but one thing I’ve yet to do is clear out my wardrobe in anticipation of my additions to it in the coming year, and also… to make sure I’m not holding on to anything I don’t need to.
Most men barely register the clothing they are currently wearing, leave alone how they might be missing pieces of the fabric in key places. But this is the 21st century, and how a man is dressed is as important as his educational background and income bracket.
Clearing out shelves and racks of clothing is something most people do when they can’t find what they are looking for, but ‘organized chaos’ might be the one thing standing in the way of a long overdue wardrobe update. People change size and body type over the many years they accumulate clothing either by gifts or strategic purpose based purchases. A wardrobe also ends up being the graveyard of forgotten shoes and ratty bags. Time to get a handle on your arsenal of looks, and also find out what you might be lacking. Here are a few handy pointers for you.
Step 1: Admit You Have A Problem
Take a good look at your wardrobe (or set of storage compartments) and evaluate what needs to happen. Most times, if you can’t remember the last time you had a look into the back of some stacks of clothing, it’s time you picked a day off or a moment you’ve got about an hour to finally know where each and every item you own is going to be. And what you might need to part with.
Step 2: Find A Sponsor
Sometimes making a decision on what you keep and what you get rid of might not come as easily as you think. Nothing quite like digging through your closet and finding a tie from a wedding you were part of the retinue for (even though it might be a gaudy shade of orange) or a gift from a loved one you haven’t worn in ages. The memories and their emotional blackmail aside, having your best friend, a family member or even better; an impartial individual like your most stylish friend to help you make the tough and logical descisions is highly recommended. Or simply, get in touch with this stylist, he’d be more than happy to help.
Step 3: Oldies Go First
If you are the systematic type, approach the emptying of shelves or draws with a plan. Once you’ve gotten everything out, you’d notice how some clothing you haven’t worn in a very long time might have aged or discolored or simply accumulated an odd stain or two from being ignored for so long. If it’s something you cant fix, it must go into the trash or some sort of recycling/upcycling process like handing them over to someone who can use them for rags, or where it can be used as material for a new product.
Step 4: It’s Not For Me, It’s For You
You’ll surely figure it out, but at the very least you could find five items that have to go. If it’s simply something you haven’t worn or don’t see yourself wearing it anytime soon, let it find a new home, or put it up for sale. You’d be surprised how your trash might be someone’s treasure; especially if they are leather boots or accessories you can’t find on the market. Who knows, it could make you some nifty spending money on wardrobe additions you’d need.
Step 5: Wardrobe Goals
Nothing quite like a wardrobe clean up to remind you how your dress shoes are not in good condition (and have to be thrown away) or how you always had a quirky pair of socks, or old t-shirts that are going to make great cut-off’s for the gym. Make a list of all the things that need to be replaced, or new items you noticed you might need. People most often need new white shirts, fresh underwear additions, new trending items (for instance, a sarong – the ultimate addition to weekend wear for men now) and potentially clothing that would be more lighter and better suited for out temperamental weather.
The writer is a Stylist and Menswear Evangelist for Daily Mirror Life. Follow Jude Gayantha Perera (www.instagram.com/stylistlk) and find his best recommendations online, especially on Instagram.
By Jude Gayantha Perera