Feb 15 2016.
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Lust-worthy Lashes with Eyelash Extensions
Long lashes are innocent and seductive at once and it’s hard to deny the heart-melting effect of a pair of long lashes delicately lowered and raised. Vladimir Nabokov wrote of his Lolita “I composed a madrigal to the soot-black lashes of her pale-gray vacant eyes,”, capturing Humbert Humbert’s tenderness and illicit passion in one line. The desire to make eyes more powerful weapons of seduction is hardly new. The ancient Egyptians used kohl to darken eyebrows and eyelashes.
I've never thought of myself as an eyelash extensions kind of girl. In my mind, eyelash extensions girls are also perfect hair, gel manicure, make-up to the gym girls, which is not to say high-maintenance (okay, maybe a little) so much as committed to a certain level of beauty that requires more effort—and exposure—than I'm normally willing to put in. But after seeing everyone from celebs to more regular folk wearing them, I figured it'd be irresponsible not to try them. They are by no means a new trend, but one that seems to be catching on fast here.
What you need to know :
It’s a long process. Up to three hours, depending on how many lashes you’re getting done. Three long hours without Facebook and Instagram! It’s great down time to catch some zzzz’s.
They are ridiculously beautiful. Try not to think about the fact that these long, full, perfectly curled lashes (that look fake, yes, but also so seamless and natural) are not yours and won't last.
With great lashes comes great responsibility. Everyone talks about how extensions means no more applying mascara; what they don't tell you is that extensions need serious care. They need to be brushed out and properly maintained otherwise you could get a nasty eye infection.
Batting your lashes is a real thing. You’ll find yourself spending a lot more time in front of mirrors, posing for selfies and generally being a lot more vain, so be ready for that.
Be prepared for the non reaction. Not everyone or indeed anyone may notice your beautiful new lashes. That flood of compliments you might expect every time you leave the house might not come your way! I ended up an inch away from my mom's face, heavily blinking and demanding, "Notice anything different?!".
Life without lash extensions is easier—but less beautiful. These are by no means low-maintenance—I worried about them constantly. Was I going to disrupt them in my sleep? Did I just accidentally itch my eyelid and knock one? Is my face wash affecting their glue? They're kind of like that fabulous pair of Swarovski’d Louboutins that you can't actually wear anywhere for fear of ruining them.
So who does them? The Nail Spa, Ramani Fernando Salons, Chagall and most other reputable salons. Do remember that there are risks associated with getting them done so speak to your technician about them before you start.
By Minoli Ratnayake