Mar 07 2018.
views 683Living in a society where fashion and appearance plays a definitive role it is important that you create a signature style. This should be a look that defines your personality and makes you stand apart from the rest. Creating a signature style can be expressed in so many ways from the clothes and accessories to a hairstyle and perfume that you wear. A requisite of creating a signature style is that you have to know who you are so that you can express yourself honestly and comfortably.
The second in a series of articles commissioned by to celebrate their Women’s Day campaign, ‘Wear your super power’ (#wearyoursuperpower) for women who believe that they are not ordinary. This article is about creating your signature style.
In order to creating a wardrobe that represents you, the first step is to understand the various elements of your signature style. Where you live, your body type, your personality, hair and eye colour all come into play when devising your signature style. The key to creating your signature style is to embody a style that is true to who you are and most importantly what you believe in.
There are five main types of style which are Classic, Chic, Whimsical, Bohemian and Avant Garde. Classic is defined as simple, clean and traditional pieces which project a timeless look because the silhouette and colours rarely change.
Chic is recognized as a powerful look combined with sharp lines that come together effortlessly. These looks are often monochromatic and combined with bold accessories. Whimsical is a playful and fun look that appears to be thrown together but actually is a thoughtful combination of colours and patterns. The look here is young at heart, ethereal and romantic.
Bohemian is defined as relaxed, lived-in or funky while incorporating quirky accessories. Textural and earthy fabrics form the mainstay of this collection. Avant Garde is a look that is often architectural, edgy and ultramodern. A look where the wearer makes a dramatic statement.
Natalie Goonetilleke, a designer at describing the elements a person has to consider when figuring out their signature style says “silhouette is the key elements. Find out the silhouettes which best suit your body shape. Once you know the silhouette that suits you then change the hemline, colour and prints. Designer Senani Wickramasinghe believes that it is important to do a trend research and pick out a few words to describe your style as that will help you clarify and define your signature style. Speaking further on finding out your signature style designer Shehani De Silva says
“you have to know your body type. Additionally, you have to be comfortable and confident in with who you are and what you wear”
Creating a signature style is a process of experimentation, research and of course perfecting it with an element of trial and error. It is ultimately your personality that will pull the look together. Be true to yourself and wear what mostly represents you. When you are comfortable with what you wear you will be at your most confident and that is indeed a winning combination!
#WearYourSuperpower by is for all women who believe that they are not ordinary. It’s for the woman who is adventurous, inspirational and who is also kind enough to make things better for someone else. It’s for the Bold and the courageous kind who has what it takes to be a superheroine. #WearYourSuperpower will be a user generated campaign for women to own this and embrace it.
The campaign is active on website and social media platforms. We invite you to be part of it and connect through our hash tag #wearyoursuperpower For more information on the campaign call 076 777 1353. email to check how you can get involved in #wearyoursuperpower campaign.