Avurudu Style

Apr 07 2016.

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Let’s Go Green! 

It’s THE colour for the New Year! 

For every New Year there is a specific colours that is chosen according to the customs and traditions; and this year it is green! Now I don’t know about you but when I go shopping to find clothes in a particular colour I never find any. Instead I find stuff I like in every other colour under the sun. (Always always the case for me… sigh) 

However when it comes to the New Year, the shops make it a little bit easier. As the majority celebrates this festival they take extra measures to display and have a whole section of clothes in that colour. Green is one of my favourite colours but it’s not the easiest colour to pull off. So let me help you find ways to incorporate the colour in your outfits this Avurudu. 

Find The Right Shade 

There are many shades of green that you can find. So you can try on a few different shades and figure out what colour will suit you best. There is a shade for every skin tone. But also keep in mind if you go for a shade like mint or sage your grandma won’t approve! Whatever the New Year colour is you always have to be dressed in the brightest shade, so maybe try and pick and obvious green! 

Go Traditional 

I personally love it when people dress up in traditional attire for the New Year. The men in shirts and sarongs and the women in osari or in lungis. Not all of our families dress up in traditional clothes, including mine. But there is something nice about it when you do. There are beautiful batik or handloom sarongs that are found easily in stores. Even the kids look adorable in reddai hatte and sarongs. 

Or Non-Traditional 

Or you can choose to go non-traditional. With the exception of a few years that I wore sarongs every other year I would just put on jeans and wear a top in that particular colour. Green is a colour you can play with a little. You can find beautiful skirts and pants in green as well. But remember to always pair it with a colour like white, blue or black. Because too much green in your outfit is not a pretty sight to see! 

Accessorize In Green 

Before you consider this option let me warn you that there is a high chance that your grandma won’t approve. But you can still choose to do so. You can incorporate beautiful shawls or jewellery into your outfit. 

Well you can even choose to rebel as well. Now I don’t mind wearing green because I like the colour. But I understand if you don’t. When the colour was yellow I never wore it and I didn’t even attempt to accessorize. And well this year as the Nekatha to boil the milk is in the night you will only visit your relatives the next day so that’s an excuse to use if you don’t want to wear the colour! 

For more Avurudhu related content, visit www.startstoday.lk


By Jithendri Gomes 
Photographs courtesy Google


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