V Try - U Buy: The Cheesecake Craze

Aug 14 2013.

views 1967

If it’s not your top favourite dessert, it’s bound to be in the list within the top 5 (At least the top 10!)…
Cheesecake is something most of us find irresistible, be it post lunch or during tea.
We looked around for the best tasting, not too sweet, not too heavy cheesecake: in essence the ideal dessert.
Let us know where you like your cheesecake best. In the meantime, here are some fun cheesecake facts you may  not know!!


There is an all-garlic restaurant in Stockholm where they offer a garlic cheesecake.

Cheesecake may be considered an American classic, (perhaps due to the popular variants, Philadelphia and New York) but they have been popular throughout the ages. Cheesecakes of differing types were popular in ancient Greece and are said to be their home.

Cheesecakes Don't Have to Be Sweet – Cheesecakes are usually thought of as desserts. However, they do not have to be sweet. Savory cheesecakes exist. These are usually served as hors d'oeuvres or with accompanying side salads 

July 30th is the (unofficial, but celebrated!) National Cheesecake Day in the States! 


Dessert Corner 
Ground Floor, Mount City
Taste   * * * * * 
Price 175/=
Portion size  Average
Value for Money High
Overall Not too sweet, just perfect tasting cheesecake  for an unbelievable price



The English Cake Company
‘The Cakery’ at Panino,
2, Sulaiman Terrace, Off Jawatta Road, Colombo 5
Taste   * * *
Price 340/=
Portion size  Large
Value for Money Average
Overall The lemon touch gave a unique flavour. Their range is on the whole very innovative and refreshing



32, Walukarama Road, Colombo 3
Taste   * * * *
513/= (all inclusive)
Portion size  Small 
Value for Money Low
Overall 25% discount during happy hours (take away or dine-in.) Served with ice cream and has a wide choice in flavour and toppings.  
Java Lounge
Cotton Collection,
Dharmapala Mawatha
Taste   * *
Price 370/=
Portion size  Average 
Value for Money Average
Overall Very average altogether...



My Pick: Dessert Corner 


If the restaurant has a chain of outlets, the rating here is specific to the mentioned outlet. V Try – U Buy is not a connoisseur’s report, but is designed for the common man’s benefit. 



By Nivedha Jeyaseelan 



  1. Last Word on Cheesecakes says:

    Three more places for cheesecake: Coffee Bean, Barista and the Coffeestop at Cinnamon Grand. Can't remember prices but high value for money as they have a great cheese taste and the fruity toppings too are rather good. Yum!

  2. Rasanga Fernando says:

    I would have liked Hilton more... but Gerad's Cheescake is also good... Oh my i live cheescake!!!... i got one for my birthday.. i wanted to eat the whole thing.. but ma friends n family didnt let me (my heart didnt let me though :))

  3. SP says:

    You should try the Munchkin strawberry cheesecake, NY cheesecake and the chocolate marble cheesecake. They are to die for and have a loyal set of followers! Check out their website, www.facebook.com/Munchkinworld. The research hasn't been thorough.

  4. harshi says:

    Good choice.. Dessert Corner cheesecake is the best..

  5. Dulesh says:

    Dessert Corner cheese cake is the BEST!!! I love it!!! thtz the best cheese cake i have ever tried!!!!

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