V Try U Buy - Muffins

Feb 05 2014.

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After a brief break on V Try U Buy, we’re back with more recommendations to make your dining experiences less painful, and far more enjoyable.

Look forward to more exciting suggestions, as we are nonetheless excited to be doing what we were doing all along - tell you what tastes best where.

On our first edition in the new year, we went on a muffin hunt covering some of the most reputed patisseries in Colombo. In what was a mix of good, average and not-all-there muffins, we wound up knowing we’d have a lot to say about the type of muffins available in town.

We are aware that nothing beats tucking into a freshly baked muffin by your mum or aunt, as it is one of those delicacies that are best when made at home.

However, if you’re craving a muffin and need one on the go, where would you look? Even though we couldn’t include Paan Paan owing to time constraints, we must note that they serve some of the best blueberry and chocolate muffins in Colombo, well worth the price paid too.

Check out our ratings and let us know what you think.  


Chocolate Chip Muffin Barista

(No.31, Horton Place, Colombo 07)

Taste **
Price Rs. 240+ service charge and taxes
Value for money Low
Variety Barista also serves a blueberry muffin priced the same. You can choose to have a muffin of your choice served with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce or whipped cream, each of which is priced at Rs.100.

The muffin was served warm, split into four quarters, and drizzled with chocolate sauce.

Not too sweet and had a texture similar to bread, which we found a little odd.

The chocolate sauce actually moistened the muffin because when we bit into the parts where the sauce hadn’t seeped into, it was quite dry and frankly disappointing.

In addition, the sauce wasn’t rich and chocolatey at all but tasted cheap. Not recommended.


Blueberry Muffin

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

(No.02, Maitland Crescent, Colombo 07)

Taste *****
Price Rs.350
Value for money High
Variety A chocolate chip muffin and a walnut and banana muffin is also available and they are priced the same.

Moving on from our disappointing experience at Barista, we were delighted to find this muffin an absolute treat.

It was huge, comforting and very soft and moist when bitten into, with slightly crispy edges.

We thought this muffin would be perfect for breakfast and paired with coffee. Two thumbs up.


Chocolate Chip Muffin

Cioconat Lounge

(No.107, Barnes Place, Colombo 07)

Taste *****
Price Rs. 300
Value for money High
Variety A blueberry muffin is also served and is priced the same.

The chocolate chip muffin tasted comforting and homemade, with tiny chocolate chips embedded in it.

It had slightly crispy edges, and was served warm and split into half.

We must point out that the muffin was quite large and well worth the money spent.


Blueberry Muffin


(No.366, Union Place Hyde Park Corner, Colombo 02)

Taste 3.5 stars
Price Rs.100
Value for money High
Variety The bakery also serves muffins in other varieties such as chocolate chip (Rs.95), banana (Rs.95), strawberry (Rs.90), cashew (Rs.90), fruit (Rs.90), and chocolate trifle (Rs.90).
Overall It definitely didn’t taste even vaguely of blueberry but it was very good, moist and warm.


Chocolate Chip Muffin

The Fab

(No.474, Galle Road, Colombo 03)

Taste **
Price Rs.130
Value for money Low
Variety None

The muffin was hard when bitten into but we did find an abundance of chocolate chips embedded into the muffin.

It could’ve been a lot more fresher and moist so we were disappointed to find that it wasn’t too appetizing.

Perhaps if it was warmed up in the microwave, it would’ve tasted better.


Chocolate Muffin


(No.347, Galle Road, Colombo 03)

Taste ****
Price Rs. 80
Value for money Average
Variety A plain muffin is also served and it is priced the same.

Small in size but very tasty, and you will find little bits of chocolate embedded into the muffin, which can be easily gulped down in two bites.

It could actually be a bit bigger in size but nonetheless it’s a delicious, comforting muffin.

Our pick - The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf




By Sarah Kellapatha and Nivedha Jeyaseelan


  1. theAtheist says:

    You should have reviewed Bread Talk muffins too. They're pretty good

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